Chapter 8 water?

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Jeff prov
I placed the sliceof pizza on my bed ad started to eat mine. I heard a pop, I turned around and saw slendy. He took the glass of water and have me one identical to the first. I tilted my head to the side. I brought the water to my nose and smelt the sweet smell of sleeping drugs. Most people couldn't smell it but it was hard to forget when they used to drug u with it every time u wake up. 'Fuckin doctors, wait drugged Jane means no fighting.good less work for me besides id have to hold back'
I smiled at slendy
" thanks I'm gonna need this"
He nodded Pop he's out if my room 'he's gotta teach me how to do dat. '
I placed the glass of "water" on the bed stand. I heard a low moan, I turned my head To face the sound, I followed the sound and found the source; Jane sound asleep. I sat down on the bed waiting for sleeping beauty to wake. Her curly black hair still perfect even if she slept in it. Her face wasn't as scrunched up then when's she's mad when's she's asleep. She even had a little smile in her sleep! I stared at her lips for god knows how long. They were black plump and shinny. I couldn't tell if she had lip stick on or not. 'I wonder how they taste' I inched closer to her lips so they were just inches from my cut ones. I saw her slowly start to flutter her eyes open I pulled back quickly before she could see what I had almost done. I and waited. Jane slowly moved her hand to her head. She looked around and when she say me-
She reached for a not there knife when she found none she jumped out of bed and tackled me. I could tell she was still weak from slendys attack. She had both of her hands over my throat and was failing at strangling me. I rolled my eyes and sat up and held onto her waste making it impossible for her to move. She groaned she was not ready for all that moveing. She was trying to get out of grip but I held on tight.
" Jane I'll explain later just drink this"
I moved a little so I could hand her the "water" she gave me the 'did u posisn this' look. I chuckled darkly
" relax it's water I don't know how to drug water."
She wouldn't trust me so I took a sip my self. Luckily for me sleeping drugs don't work on me anymore. Seeing how I hadn't died she gave the water a look but since I could tell she needed the energy. She drank it all in one gulp. I could tell she was struggling to stay awake. She dropped the glass shattering it. She raised her hand to hit me but she only lost her footing. I caught her just in time she looked at me with sleepy rage and said
"I hate u jeff"
as her head hit my chest she wasn't alsleep yet but very soon
"Love u too Janie"
I picked her up bridal style and placed her back on my bed tucked her in and waited for her to fall asleep
"Jeff who.... Who was sleeping here with me last night or was that just a dream"
I blushed 'how the fuck did she know that I was in the bed too??!!'
"I think that was just a dream Janie now go to sleep"
Jane widen hers eyes for a moment at that I smirked knowing I had used my caught phrase.
"Jeff did u save me from slendy?"
Hers eyes were almost closed when I answered
" that was me Jane that was me"

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