Wait What?

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After telling everything to nightwing he nodded his head and told them great job. Jaime and bart were walking down the block holding hands.

"I still wonder who there going after. " bart said looking at jaime.

"Ya caŕino me too. " jaime said crossing his arms and watching the sun set.

Bart smiled when he saw the moon come out full shinning everything it could touch.

"Seem like its a full moon today. " bart smiled and look jaime.

"Ya. " jaime stop and look at bart smiling.

Bart look back with a raise eyebrow and smiled.

"What are you thinking ese. " bart said trying to speak spanish.

Jaime chuckle and pulled bart in a hug who gasp and chuckle. Jaime look at bart and kiss him sweetly making bart kiss him back. Jaime pulled back and smiled at bart who smiled back.

"Te quiero. Yo te protegeré con mi vida mi amor. " jaime smiled and held bart who chuckle.

"I can never understand you sexy spanish accent. " bart smiled and hug jaime who chuckle and look at bart.

"Oh usted piensa que mi acento es atractiva . Bueno , no puedo esperar a que lo lleve a mi casa para que yo pueda oír gemir mi nombre en voz alta . " jaime smirk and look at bart blush while looking at jaime face.

"I-I uhh umm oh god you doing this on purpose. " bart studder while looking at jaime chest.

" Oh , que nunca lo haría mi amor . " jaime smiled and felt bart pull him done.

"Oh shut up. " bart kiss jaime who smirk and kiss back.

Bart put his hands around jaime neck while jaime put his hands on bart waist. They stayed there kissing each other not caring if there were in the open.


The scarab yelled getting jaime armor to cover him. Jaime pulled bart under him turning his left hand into a shield. There was a huge explosion in a building making all the building pieces go everywhere. Some rock and glasses went to jaime and bart bouncing off jaime shield.

"Are you okay mi amor. " jaime look at bart who nodded his head.

"Y-ya. I'm fine. " jaime nodded and look up and saw the building burning in green and red fire.

Jaime got up and helped bart up who saw the building burning.

"What happen. " bart look at jaime who frown and look around.

"Scarab who held that attack. " jaime said looking at his back.

The attack was held by the one called galaxy. I believe he had spotted us kissing our impulse and gAot jealous making that explosive. But he left before he saw us get into our armor.

"Tch. " jaime frown and look at bart who look at jaime worried.

"What did khaji Da said. " bart said touching jaime shoulder.

"He told me that galaxy was the one that did the attack. " jaime said looking at bart.

Bart nodded and held on jaime arms looking around.

Jaime Reyes I suggest that we take our impulse to your house so he can be safe with us.

Jaime nodded and carried bart in bridle style and flew away when he heard the siren of the fire truck coming. Bart held on and watch everything past by.

"Were we going. " bart ask looking at jaime.

"I'm taking you to my house. Just to be safe. " jaime smiled and landed on his window and retract his armor.

Bart feets were on the ground now and was walking inside jaime room with jaime behind. Soon Milagro came inside running to bart hugging him.

"Bart I knew you'll come. " Milagro giggle while jaime rolled his eyes.

Bart chuckle and hug Milagro back.

"It's good to see you too Milagro. " bart smiled sitting down on jaime bed.

Milagro followed and sat next to bart watching jaime. Jaime sigh and look at his sister.

"Your not leaving are you. " jaime said crossing his arms.

"Yup. " Milagro said making a pot sound for the p.

Bart chuckle when he saw jaime groan while putting his hands in his face.

"Milagro please me and bart want to DO something. " jaime said making bart blush and Milagro just look at jaime confused.

"I don't care. I. Want. To. Stay. With. Bart. " Milagro hugged bart who smiled and shrugged at jaime.

Your little sister isn't listening. I suggest we -

"NOO!! "jaime yelled making Milagro and bart jump.

Jaime look at bart and Milagro and blushing while saying sorry. Bart smiled and got up pushing Milagro out.

"Okay Milagro can you please leave. Me and your brother are really tired. " bart smiled at Milagro who nodded her hair and hugged bart.

"Goodnight cuñado . " Milagro giggle and ran to her room.

Jaime smiled and shook his head. Bart close the door locking it to make sure Milagro doesn't brag in.

"How do you make her listen. She doesn't even listen to me. " jaime smiled while pulling bart.

"Maybe I'm good with kid like I'm good with you. " bart smiled and kiss jaime who smirk and kiss back.

"Oh I'm sure your needy when we have sex bart. " jaime smirk watch bart turn red when jaime said that word.

"JAIME!! DON'T SAY THAT!! " bart push jaime and covered his face.

Jaime chuckle and grab bart waist pushing him down on the bed.

"Well shall I continue or what. " jaime smirk and bart blush.

"Y-ya. " bart said grabbing jaime shoulders and moaning when jaime kiss bart neck.

Oh jaime love making bart moan. And he would do anything to make bart his and his alone.

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