Escape Route Part 2

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A/N: okay my readers here titan joker hahaahaa!! Also I forgot about superman in the other chapter. He left when they escape to tell the other where they were at. And believe me it far.

Joker start groaning in pain and fell to his knees.

"W-what are you doing t-to me!! " joker yelled looking at galaxy who was smirking.

"Nothing. My lovely friend did her beautiful magic to do something to you. " galaxy smirk watching the hero's and villains backing up.

Everyone except batman gasp watching the joker get bigger and uglier. His nails start growing and his bones were sticking out. He had less hair and when he open his eyes they were white.

"Hahahaaaa I thought I never see this form again!! " the joker smile and laugh.

The joker teeth were green and Harley glare at the joker. The joker smirk and look at batman who glare at him.

"Bats remember this ohhoho the fun we had with this form!! Let try it again!! " joker charge at batman and the group but they dodge it.

Shazam and the flash went to batman side and batman look at the other group.

"Harley, ivy, catwomen. Protect the kids. " batman said watching the joker laugh.

"Come on out boys. It's time to tango!! " joker smirk and watch his crew coming out and running to the group.

Jaime start blasting at each workers but got tackle by galaxy who was smirking. Roger did the same with conner leaving tim and bart behind. Mage jump down and look at bart deadly.

"Oh I don't think so three eyes! " Harley yelled and punch mage catching her off guard.

Mage growled and flew to harley. Ivy and selina punch some guys down and bart was making his plants attack the workers. Tim flip over one and brought them down with his leg and breaking his arm. Selina clawed a man chest and kick them back sending them to ivy plant.

Batman dodge the joker strike and shazam mange to lay a punch. Barry dash around the joker giving him some punches and the joker laugh in pain.

"Hahaa mage! Be a dear and MAKE ME STRONGER!! " the joker yelled pushing the flash back and punching shazam.

Mage growled and look at galaxy who was fight blue beetle.

"Just do it!! " galaxy yelled and got blasted by blue beetle plasma blast.

Mage casted the spell but then got shot by Harley gun making her yell in pain and go unconscious.

"MAGE!! " galaxy yelled and punch blue beetle.

Roger growled and punch conner on the face making conner fly to the wall. Conner growled and jump to roger punching him in the face hard sending roger to the joker back.

"Ah watch it you idoit!! " roger yelled and flew up.

The joker growled but smirk when he was stronger and better.

"Hey why don't we add the children in this should we bats. " the joker grin grabbing tim and bart in surprise.

Harley, ivy and selina gasp and ran to the joker already done with their battle. Batman and barry growled looking at the joker laughing like a crazy person.

"Release them joker!! " batman and Catwomen yelled at him at the same time.

"Ohhh someone angry. Okay let make this interesting. " the joker tie up bart and tim on a mental bar. Bart and tim tried getting out but couldn't. The joker grab venus making bart gasp.

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