In my Control

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Bart woke up in a dark room by himself. Bart blink again and look around trying to figure out where he was.

"Ughh where am I? " bart said while getting up.

When Bart start moving forward he fell and look down at his legs to see chain's on his right foot. Bart sigh until he heard the door open revealing sharla.

"Oh goody your awake darlings. My master wanted to know if your awake I'll be right back. " sharla smiled and left leaving bart in the darkness.

Bart was already use to seeing darkness and hate it the most. Soon the door open again revealing galaxy and the puppet master.

"Oh god I though sharla hit you too hard. " galaxy smiled while hugging bart but bart push galaxy away.

"Get away!! " bart look at galaxy then to the puppet master.

Galaxy smiled sadly but look at his mentor. The puppet master smiled and turned on the torches making the room get light.

"My boy you have a special gift you know. " the puppet master said walking next to galaxy.

"What do you mean. " bart said but he knew the puppet master meant and hope he didn't find out who he is.

"You have powers just like my son but your powers are to run fast like the flash, kid flash and impulse. " the puppet master smiled and look at bart.

Bart sigh in relief in his head and look at the puppet master.

"W-what no I don't. " bart said pretending to sounding confused.

"Oh that because you didn't know my boy but you'll use this power for great measure. " the puppet master smirk and look at bart.

"What do you mean. " bart aaid glancing at the puppet master.

"Well my son well cast the spell for it to work. " the puppet master smirk and nodded his head at galaxy.

"Sorry bart but you belong to me now. " galaxy said pulling his hands out.

Bart gasp when he saw galaxy eyes turn yellow. Bart soon had enough and vibrated his foot making the hand cuff go off. Galaxy gasp and lung forward trying to grab bart but miss. Bart ran around but bump into sharlene who smirk and shook her finger.

"No no darling not until it's done. " sharlene grab back by his hands and pulled them back making bart look at galaxy.

"Okay hold him still. " galaxy said and began chanting the spell.

Soon bart was being surrounded by purple smoke and it then went inside bart mouth. Sharlene let bart go who fell to the floor and was holding his neck while the smoke went all the way in. Then bart went unconscious when it was done. Galaxy look at his mentor worried but the puppet master waved his hand.

"Wait for it. " the puppet master smiled when he saw bart getting up slowing.

Galaxy smiled when bart open his eyes revealing purple instead of his beautiful green eyes.

"Well now bart. Do you feel more better? " the puppet master said putting a hand on bart shoulder.

"Yes I feel crash. " bart said looking at the puppet master.

"Well then go with my son. He'll show you around in your new home. " the puppet master smiled and walk away but stop. "Oh and galaxy once your done showing him around we have a mission to go too. And were going to need bart speed. "

~Mount justice~

Jaime was looking at himself in the mirror feeling something was way off for some reason. Jaime haven't gotten any sleep since yesterday. Zatanna been trying to find bart with her magic but it was to no use. When wally and flash heard about this they both lose it and dash away. Iris was in tears when she found out too and M'gann comfort her.

Jaime sigh and shook the feeling off and went to check on nightwing and the other. Night smiled sadly at jaime and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well get him back blue I swear. " nightwing smiled and jaime nodded his head.

Zatanna smiled and pulled jaime in a hug.

"Hey it's okay. Well get them. " zatanna smiled but gasp when the nightwing came running inside the living room.

"Guys we spotted galaxy and his mentor at hall of justice. Come on. " nightwing said and took off running with zatanna, jaime, M'gann and beast boy.

Once they got teleport there they saw galaxy ripping the wall of justice off. Jaime growled and lung at galaxy who gasp. Zatanna went to fix the wall while beast boy helped his sister bring down the twins who were carrying some boxes out the justice. Nightwing went to the puppet master and attack him.

"Where is he you freak!! " jaime yelled punching galaxy who crash into the wall.

Galaxy smirk and put his hand together making fire come out. Jaime block them and punch galaxy again making him crash to a tree. Jaime took his plasma cannon out and pointed at galaxy who smirk and look at jaime.

"Where is bart, galaxy. " jaime said all deadly.

"Hehee right behind you. " Galaxy smirk madly when jaime was attack from behind making him fly forward and crashing to the ground.

Jaime look up and gasp. Their he was bart standing dress in a black and red suit with lines. His goggles were black and red too but jaime notice that his lover eyes weren't green anymore but purple.

"Bart. "Jaime whisper watching galaxy get up.

"Beautiful isn't he. Now he all my. " Galaxy smirk and pulled bart in a kiss makimg jaime eyes go wide.

Our impulse is being control by that meat bag! Jaime Reyes I suggest destroying galaxy!!

Jaime watch as galaxy smirk at jaime and look at him crossing his arms while bart just stood the motionless.

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