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Bart woke up stretching his arms but remember what happen. He soon got up and look around.

"Hehee I can just vibrate out aaannd I'm moded. " bart said feeling the collar around his neck.

Bart sigh and look around seeing food on a table and smiled.

"Welp don't mind if I do. " bart smiled and took a bite of the hamburger and moan in pleasure.

While eating the hamburger nightwing was watching bart through a security camera. Wally smile knowing that part of bart was still there. Today was Tuesday and bart was unconscious for two days. Everyone was worried mostly M'gann thinking that she shown to much.

"I'll notify the others and M'gann. " wally said kissing dick and leaving him.

Dick smiled and look at jaime who sigh.

"You can go see him jaime. I won't tell wally or barry. " dick smiled looking at jaime.

Ever since they got back barry and wally said that no one can enter bart room but only them. Jaime wanted to argue with that but dick pull him back.

"Y-you sure ese. "Jaime said looking at dick.

"Ya I'll just record bart eating and keep showing wally that making him believe bart still eating. " dick smiled and jaime nodded his head.

"Gracias amigo. " Jaime went down the hall and straight to bart.

Bart finish eating his hamburger and wipe his mouth. Bart look around the room and only saw a bed, nightstand, and a bathroom door. Bart sigh until he heard the door open bart turned around and saw his master enemy blue beetle. Jaime was in armor and look at bart smiling sadly.

"What do you want blue beetle. " bart said watching jaime each step.

"Bart it's me. Jaime. " jaime pulled back his armor and bart gasp. Having a memory come to him.

"Jaime not yet okay. " bart said moaning when jaime kiss his neck .

"Okay mi amor I understand. Your not ready yet. " Jaime said looking at bart.

Bart smiled and put his hands on jaime checks smiling at him.

"Thank you jaime. "

Jaime gasp when bart pulled jaime in a kiss and decided to kiss bart back.

Jaime Reyes our impulse is remembering us but he still in control by this dark magic.

Jaime sigh but deepen the kiss making bart wrap his arms around jaime neck. For some reason this felt soooo right for bart. Like he belongs here with this boy than with his master.

They soon let go of the kiss and bart was catching his breath. Jaime smiled when bart put his head on his chest and held on bart.

"J-jaime. This feel right for some reason why?? " bart ask looking at jaime eyes.

Jaime look down at bart and only saw purple eyes instead the green ones that he love to look into.

"Extraño tus ojos verdes. " Jaime sigh looking at bart.

Bart pulled back and had a other flash back.

"Te amo con todo mi corazón. " jaime smiled while kissing bart in the El Paso (desert).

Bart chuckle and kiss jaime back sitting down on jaime lap.

"I don't know what your saying jaime. But I know that you said love. So I love you too. " bart smiled and kiss jaime who chuckle and kiss back.

Bart gasp when jaime kiss his soft spot.

"J-jaime noommhhh. " bart moan while holding on jaime hair.

"Mi amor, simplemente disfrutar de esto. " jaime whisper bitting bart ear. "Don't worry I won't go to far. "

Jaime watch as bart blush deep red and put his hands on his neck.

Jaime Reyes our impulseis remember us by memory there is a 50 percent chance he could gain control but with help by the one called Dr. Fate.

Jaime smiled knowing that they'll be able to save bart and that he would be back in his arms once again.

"Bart I- ahhh " jaime yelp making bart look at jaime worried.

"JAIME!! " Bart watch as a blonde dude pulled jaime out and closing the door again.

"What are you doing jaime. And what did I say about going inside bart room. " barry said crossing his arms.

Iris rolled her eyes and pulled barry back.

"Barry, this is bart boyfriend/ best friend. You can't blame him for being worried. " iris said crossing her arms.

Barry sigh and look at jaime who was looking down.

"Fine I'll let it pass. I'll talk to wally and dick. I'll be back. And don't go inside. " barry said and walk away leaving iris and jaime.

Iris sigh and look at jaime.

"Sweety come walk with me. " iris said looking at jaime.

Jaime nodded and followed iris who smiled and put her hand behind jaime. They walk through the halls and iris look at jaime.

"Jaime I know you miss bart. We all do my boy. " iris said sitting down outside watching the clouds past by.

"Yea but iris he still in there. " jaime said looking at iris.

"Really? How so? " iris said looking at jaime.

"When I show him my face bart remember me. Then when I spoke to him he started remembering more. He still in there Mrs. Iris. " jaime said looking at iris.

"Hmm it's seems that bart is fighting it off but needs help. Well just have to wait until Dr. Fate comes. " iris said looking at jaime.

Jaime nodded his head and look at the sunset iris smiled and put her hand over jaime. Jaime sigh and look the sky.

Bart stood there in the middle of the room holding his hands and looking at his hands blushing deep red. Remembering about jaime and how he was important to him and how he did everything for jaime.

"Mi amor..." bart whipser closing his eyes still blushing deep red.


A/N: yes bart is getting his memory back but he still in control in galaxy magic but he starting to fall back in love with jaime yay! Well have to wait until Dr. Fate come back.

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