Chapter 2

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The school bell sounded throughout the hall and one of my friends, Mike and I start making our way to our psychology class. Obviously, I knew Tony liked Mike and I saw him look at Mike sometimes like he was the most beautiful thing on the earth. It didn't bother me at all that Tony was gay and I was the first one he ever came out to. Honestly, I just wanted to help him because he's amazing and he really does deserve to be in love.

When we arrived at our class, Mike and I took our usual seats in the middle among a few other popular kids. Our teacher, Mr Carter, entered soon after and began to tell us that our project this half term was a practical and would be worth fifty percent of our grade. He said we needed to design an experiment based on the research we did last half term in partners.
The second he said that everyone started making eye contact with who they wanted to go with. Mike and I always found this hilarious and made stupid over exaggerate faces at each other. I wiggled my eyebrows and winked at Mike, who in turn pointed at me and winked at me in a fake flirty way.
Whilst Mr Carter continued to explain our project, my mind began to think back to the research I had done which is what the experiment had to be based off of. I had researched if psychology could cause two people to fall in love and I had looked at all different ways they did it. Suddenly, an idea came to me, surely I could convince Mike and Tony to be the test subjects. That way, if my research was correct, Tony could have a real chance to fall in love with Mike. My plan seemed perfect and I was determined to make Tony happy. He was a great guy, just a little timid, but they say opposites attract so Mike may find Tony's shyness adorable in contrast to his rather big personality.
"Okay everyone, pair up and get started," Mr Carter told us, clapping his hands together. Mike moved one seat up to sit next to me.
"So what's the plan Precaido?" He asked, taking out his notebook.
"Well, I've got a really original idea for an experiment and I know we'll get top marks, you just have to go with me on this one. If I do all the setting up and work on the experiment, will you be a test subject?" I spoke, silently praying he'd say yes or my entire plan would shatter.
"Yeah, of course, but are you sure you don't mind doing all the work?" Mike asked me.
"Nah it's cool," I told him.
I spent the rest of the lesson showing him my research. Then I explained that the theory hadn't really been tested with two people of the same gender, so I was going to have him and a friend of mine take the test.
"Awesome, that's a really good idea, Hime," he told me.
Next, I told him that I was going to merge two experiments I had found to include questions that caused a person to feel vulnerable, physical affection and spread it out on a larger time scale so it wouldn't be like falling in love overnight. Mostly, I was just happy Mike had agreed, my next challenge would be getting Tony to agree. This is his perfect chance with Mike but he might feel too shy to go for it.
As the bell for lunch rang, Mr Carter told us that we were dismissed and Mike and I headed to the lunch hall. I couldn't wait to tell Tony about my plan after school. Normally, I went to his house after school and we'd do a little homework, order some food and they play video games. Because Tony's parents work all the time they have more money than they need and give lots of it to Tony because they feel guilty for leaving him. Seems rather pointless to me, but we get to order food most nights because of it.
When we entered, our friends were sat at our regular table and greeted us as we came over with our food. Everyone began to chat and eat. I scanned the lunch room for Tony and found him at the back of the hall at his usual table with Vic and Kellin. I gave him a cheerful wave and he waved back.
The rest of my classes that day dragged on until it was finally the end of school. I slung my backpack over one shoulder and bounded down the stairs and out the front entrance to meet Tony. I found him by the wall saying goodbye to Vic and Kellin. They said hello to me and Tony did too. They were just walking away when Tony called them back.
"Hey, guys, do you want to come with us back to mine?" he offered.
"Sure," Kellin replied leading Vic back over to us.
"We can go in my car," Vic suggested.
We all complied and went across the car park to his car was. Leaning against the bonnet was Mike, Vic's brother. I couldn't help but notice the pink tint to Tony's cheeks and the light that filled his eyes.
"Hey, Mike, we're going to Tone's tonight are you okay to walk?" Vic asked guiltily. His car only had four seats and I guess he felt bad for making Mike walk.
"Okay," Mike agreed, greeting me before he set off walking. We all got in the car, making fun of Tony's blush. He pouted in the back seat next to me as Vic started to pull out of the car park.
When we reached, his house Tony pulled out his key and unlocked the door.
"Wow, I can't believe you live here all alone," Kellin commented looking around the swish entranceway.
"Here want to see a funny trick?" Tony asked, grinning at Kellins awe.
"Hello!" He yelled as loud as he could, his voice echoing through the house and resulting in silence. Tony has a weird sense of humour like that, but nevertheless we all laughed.
We went into the lounge and started watching on of my favourite movies call The birdcage and I decided bow was as good a time as any to tell Tony about my project.
"Tone, there's something I want to talk to you about," I told him, checking to see kellic were still engrossed in what they were ordering for dinner.
"Yeah?" Tony spoke, taking his eyes off the screen.
"Okay so in psychology, Mike and I are partners and I came up with an experiment to make two people fall in love and Mike agreed to be one of the test subjects. Would you be willing to be the other?" I asked nervously.
He frowned in thought for a moment.
"So you're going to use science to force Mike to fall in love with me?" He responded.
"No, not exactly, I can't really force anything. It would just be a really good chance for you to get to know Mike and show him how amazing you are," I explained.
Tony looked down and chewed on his lip.
"I don't know," he mumbled.
"Please, Tone," I said gently.
" It would really help me out and I just think you deserve to be happy,"
"Fine," he replied after a moment, a small smile covering his features.
"Yes!" I cried in triumph, doing a little dance which caused Tony to roll his eyes.
It was then that we noticed Kellin and Vic had been eavesdropping and sat there beaming from ear to ear.
"Don't say a word to Mike," I warned.
A/N: hope you enjoyed.🐢✨

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