Chapter 27

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The night of the prom was finally here and Alissa and I were posing while my parents took pictures of us. She looked very pretty and I smiled. My parents looked proud and they smiled. It felt correct to hold her, like it was the right thing to do.
My parents finished taking photos and went off, my dad patting my shoulder proudly as he passed and my mum giving me a quick peck on the cheek as she beamed.
Kellin and Vic had rented a limo to take all of us to the prom. Alissa smiled and continued to tell me how she felt and talk about things which seemed important, holding both my hands as she did so. I paid attention and she then moved on to fixing my hair. We noticed the limo draw up and went outside to get in.
We pulled up outside Tony's house, but I couldn't see him because of the limos black out windows.
My brother and Kellin were cuddled together and I felt upset about having to go. I tried to put on a smile; it was just a dance, it couldn't be that bad.
Just then, the door opened to reveal Tony, helping the girl who's name I knew to be Alissa into the vehicle.
I couldn't hold back a small gasp when I saw him. He looked beautiful and happy and I wanted to tell him, but I wasn't that person to him anymore so I bit my lip and tried to drag my eyes away. He barely seemed to notice me which hurt, but I wouldn't show it because I didn't want to ruin his night.
He and Alissa began excitedly talking to Kellin and Vic about how great everything was going to be tonight. Their cheerful and noisy chat filmed the car.
"You look beautiful, Tone," I whispered, knowing he wouldn't hear, but wishing he would because he deserved to know.
No one noticed.
We arrived at school to find the entrance decked out with pale blue and white balloons, showered in pastel streamers.
The two couples stepped out, holding hands and walking up ahead from me. For a moment, I stood on the sidewalk. It was peppered with silver and white star confetti and shimmered under the moonlight. I began to walk towards the entrance, watching my scuffed converse to avoid looking at all the couples as I entered the school gym covered in pastel-coloured paper streamers.
I looked around as my brother and Kellin rushed to the dancing mass of teenagers, followed by Tony and Alissa. I felt awkward as I watched everyone having a good time and decided to head to the edge of the room. There was a row of empty fold out chairs set out along the wall so I took a seat, looking at the crowd of couples.
The music began to change to a slow song and everyone began dancing slowly in time to the music. Immediately, my eyes were drawn to Tony, his arms were wrapped around Alissa, his soft dark hair across his left eye and his body swaying to the music.
I wanted more than anything to be in his arms instead of her. I bit my lip, turning to look away and blinking back tears.
I sat there for almost the entire evening, watching song after song.
Then finally it was time for the crowning of the prom king and queen. Everyone gathered excitedly around the stage to hear Mr Ashby announce the winners.
"Okay, our prom king is... Tony Perry!" He called, watching as Tony shyly shuffled up to the stage. In a strange way I felt proud of Tony and happy for him because he was smiling.
"And now for our prom queen... Alissa Woodrow," Mr Ashby continued. I watched as they crowned each other and kissed. Every time the hurt was still there, like someone had knocked all the wind out of you. My eyes began to blur with tears as they announced the King and queen's dance.
Unable to take much more, I left to go outside. My legs felt like lead as I pushed open the door, taking one look back at Tony dancing in her arms, before letting the cool air hit my skin.
Once outside I spotted a ladder, leading to a part of the school with a flat roof. I remembered how much Tony loved rooftops, which made me love them too. I climbed up the ladder onto the roof.
Once I got up there, I realised just how high up it was; you could see the town for miles and miles.
I went to sit on the edge and I suddenly remembered one of my favourite movies ever.
Particularly the part in the movie where this blonde boy who dies towards the end takes the main character up to the top of the hill and they sit together, looking down at their school.
Then the one who died at the end says 'I call this hells view; school is hell and this is the best place to view it from.
I had been feeling terrible about Mike all night. Watching him leave crying was the final straw, I had to tell him what I really felt.
Suddenly, I disentangled my arms from around Alissa in the middle of the song.
"I'm sorry," I whispered, the backing track still playing and everyone looking increasingly confused as I ran out, leaving her standing alone on the dance floor.
I felt frantic that I would be too late, that Mike wouldn't want to hear what I had to say.
"Mike," I called desperately.
Just then, I spotted a ladder leading up to the flat part of the roof and an all too familiar figure sat up there. He was facing away from me and probably didn't hear me. Rain drops began to fall as I climbed up the ladder and walked over to him.
"Mike," I said softly, once I was about a meter away. He turned around with a look of disbelief.
A/N:sorry this took so long to update, this week has been super busy but thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Btw, this is not the end😅 also we hit 500 reads so thank you so much!

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