Chapter 21

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Just to say I once again do not agree with opinions expressed by characters in this chapter💕
I watched as he jogged away, desperately trying to hold back my tears. Just as he disappeared from sight, my parents rushed over to me.
"Tony, we need to talk," my father told me shakily, placing a firm hand on my shoulder and standing in front of me, blocking my escape.
"Audrey, go back in the house," my father instructed lowly to my mother, never once moving his hard stare from my face.
He stared at me, his eyes narrowed in anger and confusion, as though he was trying to figure me out. My mother nodded and went back inside, closing the door. My father removed his grip and opened his mouth. I stood there, feeling as though I was drowning in the spiteful words that poured out.
"What the hell is your deal?! I'm telling you right now..." My father yelled in my face. I began to tune out and all I could think of was the amazing time I'd had tonight and Mike telling me he loved me.
Eventually, my father marched me up into my bedroom and told me to sit down. He stood in front of me, his arms folded and yelled for my mother to come into the room.
They both looked so disappointed in me and I felt horribly guilty, although I wasn't sure if that was right of me or not.
"Tony, rest assured this is just a phase, but until it passes, we expect you to attend therapy lessons with a woman from our church," my mother explained, her lips pursed in a thin line.
"Your mother and I are going to be away however on business for a longer three month trip in New York and we want to see progress so we can be proud of you. We're positive Mary can sort it out and we will be checking in with her to make sure you're attending every session, without fail, do you understand?" My father hissed, frowning and leaning closer as he spoke.
I nodded meekly, holding in tears threatening to spill over my lower lashes. My father didn't move from his position close up to my face.
"Don't you dare cry, be a man. You are not crying," he yelled, causing me to jump and a tear leak from my eye. I quickly wiped it away with my hand.
"Pathetic," he concluded, finally moving away and following my mother out of the room.
Maybe it was time for me to become a man. Maybe then he'd be proud. Not tonight though, tonight I needed Mike.
I carefully began to climb out of my bedroom window, sniffing and letting the tears roll down my cheeks. As I slammed the window, cool droplets began to fall against my skin, making me shiver as I reached the ground.
By this time, my hair was slightly damp and the rain had really begun to fall. I jogged over to Mike's house and knocked on the door, cold and gasping for air, shivering in my damp clothes as I waited for someone to answer it. Vic opened it, with one arm around Kellin's waist.
"Tony, what's wrong?" Vic asked, letting me in out of the rain.
"I need to talk with Mike," I said quietly so they wouldn't notice the tremor in my voice as I spoke.
"Sure, he's in the living room with our parents," Vic nodded, clearly sensing my urgency and taking Kellin upstairs.
I went through to the living room and sure enough, Mike was sat at the end of a large sofa with his parents.
"Hello, Tony," Vic's father greeted cheerily.
"Are you alright?" Vic's mother asked, probably noticing I had been crying.
I shook my head, tears threatening to fall once more.
"Tone, come here. Tell me what they said," Mike coaxed, sitting me down cuddled up next to him on the couch and soothingly rubbing circles on my back, not seeming to mind my tangled wet hair and damp clothes.
"They said I need to become a man and that I'm pathetic. They're going away on this trip and whilst they're gone I have to go to therapy sessions to sort out this 'phase'" I blurted, a few tears leaking out and leaving glistening marks along my skin.
"What?! That's ridiculous, why do you have to go to treatment for this? They're not even going to be there to see if you went," Mike frowned, pulling me closer to them.
"They said they'll be checking with this lady who runs the sessions to see if I go to them all," I responded glumly.
"Tony, I just want to let you know, your sexuality doesn't define how strong you are as a person," Mike's Dad told me.
"Yeah and you're the strongest person I know," Mike assured me, kissing my jaw and making me blush.
"Honestly, Tony, you're an amazing person exactly the way you are and you make both my sons so happy through being that," Vic's Mum, informed me kindly.
I nodded and smiled in response.
"Let's go upstairs and relax, Tone," Mike suggested, standing.
I replied with an okay and made to join him, but before I could he lifted me up bridal style and carried me out of the room.
"Mike, I'm too heavy," I whispered, feeling like I was far too fat for this.
"Nah, this is easy," Mike replied, kissing my jaw and proceeding to carry me up the stairs.
Soon I began to laugh as he carried me.
"There's that beautiful smile," Mike smirked, bending down to kiss my neck, as we went into his room.
He walked over to his bed and gently lay me down on it, joining our lips briefly as he did so, before laying on his side to face me.
"I love you," Mike mumbled softly, tightening his hold on my waist and brushing a stray strand of hair off my face.
"I love you too,"
A/N: so there's only like 5 chapters left of the love project and I will definitely be ending it by the beginning of May. Then I will be writing a kellic called shoulder blades so follow to be notified when that goes up. I probably won't do a sequel unless people want one. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.🐢💕

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