Chapter 10

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Kellin, Vic and I charged into the emergency room at full speed and headed for the check in desk. The secretary told us his room, but that only one of us could go in seeing as visiting hours were over.
"Please," I begged my brother and Kellin, desperate to see Tony was okay.
They agreed and started trying to contact Jaime. I opened the door quietly in case he was sleeping and found him eyes closed, his chest rising and falling under the blankets. He had red cuts across his neck and arms, but still looked really beautiful. The thought made me blush as I took a seat on the plastic chair by his bed.
He slowly began to stir, rolling over to face me and letting out an adorable yawn as he opened his glowing chocolate eyes.
"Mikey?" He mumbled sleepily, sitting up and wrapping the blankets around himself.
"Yeah, Tone, it's me. I got so worried," I told him, pulling him gently into my arms so as not to cause him pain.
"Sorry, if I ruined your night," he apologised, biting his lip and looking down at the sheets.
"Not at all, Tone. Look there's something I need to talk with you about tonight," I admitted, climbing onto the bed to sit with him.
"Can we talk in the morning, please Mike, let's just sleep," he yawned, pulling the covers over us both and snuggling into me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my chin on top of his head, his soft, dark hair tickling me. He was warm and comfortable, giving me shivers.
He shifted in his sleep, rolling over so his face was against my chest and his hands lingered at my stomach. I smiled as he pulled me in to him tighter and shut my eyes attempting to get some sleep. It was short lived though, before the door was flung open and a slightly irate looking nurse stormed in.
"Um, sir, you can't be in here visiting hours at over," she pointed out.
"I know, but I can't leave him. Please can I just stay for one night?" I whispered trying not to wake him.
"Alright, just this one time," she warned, before leaving again.
Just then, Tony began to whimper and tremble into my chest. He was mumbling and fidgeting, slowly getting louder.
"Tone," I said gently, stroking his hair to try and wake him up. He jolted awake and frantically looked around the room.
"It's okay, I t was just a dream," I assured him.
"Mike," he mumbled, sitting up, causing me to follow, reluctantly disentangling my arms from around him.
"Can we talk now? Can you tell me what it was you wanted to tell me?" He asked, pulling the sheets in a cloak around the two of us.
"Yeah, okay, best get comfortable, this could take a while," I started, sitting with my back against the headboard.
"Can we cuddle, I'm cold," he announced.
I pulled him to sit on my lap, his back against my chest and he wrapped the blankets over us.
"So, before the experiment, I didn't even know you at all really. Then I got to know you and I found myself looking at you and wishing I could hug you or kiss you. However, I denied it entirely because in my mind I completely wasn't gay. But now all I can think about is if you're okay and I'm so sorry for running out on you the other night. I was just scared, but the point I'm trying to make is; I like you, a lot and I was wondering if you want to be my boyfriend?" I reeled off anxiously.
Tony turned in my hold and looked up at me with big brown eyes all lit up.
"Well, as it happens, Mike, I've liked you since the day I saw you at Vic's house and the entire idea of the experiment was Jaime's so we could get to know each other. Yes, I'd love to," he told me excitedly. I beamed and leaned down, finally pressing my lips to his and feeling him respond, arms winding round my waist. He pulled away after a moment, smiling.
"Okay, we really need to get some sleep now," I announced and Tony agreed. We both slid from our position so we were lying down. Tony winced as he moved about to get comfortable.
"Does it hurt?" I asked softly.
He nodded burying his head into the crook of my neck.
"Awe, poor turtle," I told him, kissing his hair.
He shivered against me making me smirk. I finally felt his warm steady breath on my neck and shut my eyes to follow suit.

A/N: sorry about slow updates at the weekend but here's a smallish midweek one because I've been super busy. Yay they finally got together 😆✨ hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.🐢✨

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