Chapter 15

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From that day, I barely got to see Tony. Actually, scratch that, I was constantly seeing him around school and at home with Kellin and Vic, but he would just look at me with sad eyes. Kellin and Vic had taken it upon themselves to become his unofficial bodyguards, escorting him everywhere he went. Vic was so annoyed with me that he wouldn't talk to me at all and Tony wouldn't answer his phone to me.
I felt horrible because I would see this pain in his eyes and feel a desperate urge to wrap my arms tight around him to make it disappear. He didn't seem himself at all and wouldn't talk much in class. Sometimes he'd catch me looking and his gaze was still enough to turn my cheeks pink and force me to look down. I missed him so much and I would still text him everyday, even if he didn't reply, I just wanted him to know I was thinking of him, although I wasn't sure how much use that was right now.
It wasn't until a rainy morning about a week later that I finally got a chance to talk to him. I had just stormed out of class, feeling so frustrated with the boredom of it all. I headed down the hall, walking fast to try and quell my anger at least a little. Suddenly, I heard an unmistakable cry of pain echo through the corridor. I knew it was Tony's familiar voice and I really couldn't stand to be away from him any longer, especially if he was being hurt.
Hurriedly, I jogged round a corner, following the sound. My eyes fell upon none other than Joel dangling Tony against a locker, gripping him around the throat, his fingers probably leaving harsh red marks in Tony's soft tan skin as he struggled to breathe.
"Joel, drop him right now," I yelled, seething as I walked closer.
"Sure thing," Joel exclaimed, much to his cronie's amusement and promptly let go of Tony's neck, causing him to land hard on the floor, wheezing and spluttering for air.
Just then I lost it, lunging at Joel and punching him as hard as I could, knocking him to the ground. His followers ran and soon so did Joel, scrambling up from the floor in fright and clutching his jaw as he went.
Unable to take our distance any longer, I ran and knelt at Tony's side. He had bruises and cuts across his soft skin and I gently reached out my hand running it across his cheekbone, swatting away a stray tear. It broke my heart to see him flinch from my touch.
"Tone, please I just want to help you get cleaned up, make sure you're okay," I tried to assure him.
"Don't call me that, you shouldn't call me that. I don't need your help, I'm fine," he told me. He wasn't even angry, he just spoke softly, sounding upset and a little scared. This hurt even more and I found myself wishing he would just yell at me.
Slowly, he eased himself off the ground and headed for the bathroom down the hall. I followed him, still wanting to talk with him and make sure he was okay.
"Look, Tone-er, I mean Tony, I know I don't deserve a chance to explain, but I just really want you to know the truth, so could you possibly give my like a minute to explain," I pleaded.
"Okay, you have five minutes, no more," he responded, having a seat on the floor. I rushed over to join him and began.
"I just want to start by saying the reason I told my friends there was nothing between us was because I wasn't ready to come out to them yet. And then I panicked and told them that I was with Ellie which was a complete lie and now I guess I deserve to be in this mess, but I just thought you ought to know the truth because you're really special, Tony. Even if you don't want me back, I'd like to still be friends because I can't stand not being around you," I ramble, meaning every word.
"Of course, I understand that, Mike. However, I think the reason it seemed more likely that you cheated on me, even to Vic, was because I'd liked you for so long and no one ever thought we would happen because, well, I'm not popular enough for you," Tony informed me, looking down at the cheap linoleum floor.
"Tone, that's not true, I care about you so much," I replied, tilting his chin up with my finger and smiling at him.
"Look, Tone, to make it up to you I'll take you to dinner tonight, that is, if you want to. I mean you don't have to...why would you want too," I rambled aimlessly, bringing a tiny smile to his face.
"I'll, um, think about it," he responded, finally making eye contact with me.
"Okay," I breathed, biting back a grin.
Out of habit, I leant down and kissed his cheek. As I pulled away, I realised what I had done and blushed crimson. Immediately, I began apologising profusely and stepped away, cursing my awkwardness.
"It's okay, Mike, don't worry about it," he replied, a pink tint spreading across his own cheeks.
"Do you still need help getting cleaned up?" I wanted to know, still feeling intensely embarrassed.
"No, I'm good, thank you," he informed me with an adorable laugh.
"Okay, well text me about tonight, you know, if you want to. I'll see you later...or not," I gushed, backing out of the room. Tony offered a little wave and smile. I ducked out of the room, turning back just in time to see him run his thumb over the spot I kissed and beam.
He still looked so beautiful, bruises and blood and all.

A/N: late because my phone was acting weird but hope you enjoyed thanks for reading🐢✨

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