Chapter 22

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Tonight was Tony's first session with the therapist his parents had arranged and I had promised to drive him and wait for him.
"When your finished, Tone, we can talk about it if you want or we can just relax and watch a movie, whatever you want," I reassured him, as we pulled up outside the building.
"Thanks, Mikey," he mumbled, looking a little upset.
"I'll see you later," I assured him, kissing him and giving a little wave as he got out of the car.
He returned it and did his best to smile. I didn't blame him for feeling the way he did and wished he didn't have to go. 
An hour and a half later, I pulled back up to the building to find him waiting outside. I waited in the car as he came over, wanting to hear how it went.
"Hey," he greeted, kissing my jaw and taking the seat next to me.
"How was it?" I wanted to know as we began to drive back to mine. Tony and I had decided it made sense for him to stay at mine while his parents were away, seeing as he didn't want to be alone in his house for months on end.
"It was alright, turns out we just talked and she shared her ideas on being gay and it made me want to laugh," Tony grinned, resting against my shoulder.
"So I take it you didn't agree with her?" I asked, kissing his hair and feeling so happy because Tony was.
We went home and ordered food, before watching a movie, cuddled together.
Things continued the same way for a while and everything was good. Tony and I performed our song in music with Noah and Austin, receiving a top grade. Jaime and I began preparing our psychology presentation and Tony and I finished the two remaining packs of questions. School continued and our relationship was the same way. We would always say we loved each other.
Towards the end of the second month out of three his parents were away, Tony began to get quieter and quieter and wouldn't laugh and smile after his sessions like he used to.
I'd try my best to get him to smile and talk to me and when that failed I would just hug him as close as I possibly could and tell him I loved him. I was confident he felt the same way; he was just having a hard time at the moment. The worst thing was that he never really wanted to sing or play guitar for me, but I still loved him so much it didn't matter.
It was the day before my parents were due back from New York and I was at my therapy session with Mary. Today, she was talking to all of the kids about pride in themselves.
"Tony, are you proud of yourself?" She asked me, looking at me expectantly, as well as the other kids in the room around me.
"Not always," I mumbled in reply.
"Are other people proud of you?" She asked again, walking closer.
"I don't know," I said looking down at the old wooden floorboards, beneath the fold away chair I was sat on.
Mary continued then to ask people what made them feel proud and whether it should or not. I was contemplating who was proud of me. Certainly not my parents, but maybe they would be. If I could just do one thing.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mary clapping her hands together to call our attention.
"Thanks for coming, I think this will be useful to you all," Mary dismissed us, gathering up her folder and bag.
Solemnly, I got up and went out to the car park where I knew Mike would be waiting for me. I didn't want to do this, but if it would make my parents proud, it had to be the right thing to do. I pushed open the door and caught sight of him in his car, he gave me a soft smile when he saw me which still didn't fail to summon a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I chewed my lip and walked over, taking a deep breath to steady myself.
A/N: sorry to leave it there but I'll update later tonight or tomorrow. So a couple of things, we're close to 400 reads on this so thank you so much for that, I honestly expected no one to read this. Also, if you haven't seen my new kellic shoulder blades went up on Wednesday so I'd love if you could check it out. The love project is almost over. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.🐢✨💕

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