Chapter 18

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I woke up today and remembered my parents were away in New York. I also found that Jaime was waiting on my front lawn texting me every two seconds to let him in. I chuckled, shaking my head and threw on a sweater, before running outside to collect Jaime.
"Why do you insist on doing this to me? Do you care not for my pain? My hunger? I could've died; alone and hungry," Jaime exclaimed over dramatically, running up to me from where he sat on the lawn.
"I'm gonna go get ready. Help yourself to a bagel," I responded, yawning and walking back to my room.
"So, Turtle, I was confused about your text telling me not to walk with you the past couple days, I mean why were your parents here?" Jaime called from the kitchen.
"Oh, I don't know, this is their home they do live here, Hime," I yelled back, rolling my eyes as I styled my hair.
"Yeah, well, not really, turtle, I live here more than them tbh," he replied.
Only Jaime would actually yell acronyms from the internet in real life. I shake my head, tossing books into my bag as I replied.
"Look I don't know, I just hope they're gone for a while,"
I look up and find Jaime standing in front of me in my room, casually buttering his bagel and looking thoughtful.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Mr Ashby arranged for us to have the entire day off lessons to work on the projects in music class. How's yours going with Mike?" Jaime asked, following me into the hall, munching his bagel and waggling his eyebrows as I collected my jacket.
"It's going fine, now finish your bagel and let's go to school," I said jokingly in response.
I was so happy I got to spend the entire day with Mike and our friends playing music.
Jaime and I walked into school together like most days, said our goodbyes and then headed either side to our separate groups.
For the first few minutes, it was just Kellin and I talking about music class until Mike and Vic arrived. Vic and Kellin immediately commended an exaggerated greeting ritual as though they had been apart for years instead of hours, causing Mike and I to laugh.
I was suddenly aware that Mike usually didn't stay with Vic this long and by now would've headed over to his popular friends, who were currently all staring at him.
"Your still wearing my sweater," I commented, blushing at the fact and that his friends were watching.
"Is that the greeting I get? Really, Tone? Couldn't you have ran up and started singing 'you look so perfect standing there in my American apparel outerwear'?" Mike joked, taking one of my hands and running his thumb across my knuckles.
"Honestly, you look kinda hot though," I joked back, collapsing into laughter.
"Alright, let's stop with the 5sos puns, they're terrible," Mike winced.
"You started it," I pointed out, childishly.
"Fair enough, I'll see you in music," Mike chuckled and even though it was out in the open, for everyone to see he started to kiss me, like he wasn't even embarrassed about it.
"Bye," I breathed, after he pulled away.
A/N: short little update. Just wondering if anyone wants me to add a little bit of cashby in this? Let me know and I will. I will definitely update tomorrow and I'm sorry for slow updates recently. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed 💕🐢✨

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