Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe it, what was happening to me? I had just called Tony cute, but I wasn't gay, so why was I this stressed over it? I decided I would just have to get my mind off it at the party tonight and focus on someone new.
I felt kind of bad for running out on Tony, so I promised myself to try make it up to him if I could.
"Mike, hurry up, let's go," Vic called from downstairs. I jogged down the stairs to find an irritable Kellin and Vic waiting by the door. I followed them to the car and took the back seat, whilst Vic and Kellin sat in the front.
After about fifteen minutes, we arrived at Jack's house. The lawn was littered with teenagers and red solo cups, as loud music pulsed from within the house. We all hopped out of the car and ran into the party. I made a beeline for the drinks, whilst Kellin and my brother started making out on the couch, causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust. Just then, I spotted a beautiful blonde girl across the dance floor. I immediately went over to her and started talking to her.
I finally arrived at this Jack kid's house and went inside. It was packed with people and I spotted Kellin and Vic on the couch, but they looked kind of...busy. Then I saw Mike, he was dancing with his arms around a really pretty girl's waist and I knew we weren't dating, but for some reason I felt a little hurt. It seemed stupid, but I couldn't help it. I eventually tore my eyes away and headed to get a drink. As I did so, a crowd of people headed over to the drinks and almost knocked me out of the way. Then I realised it was Jaime and his friends.
"Tony, what are you doing here?" He asked in a cold tone, not sounding too happy that I was there.
"I, um, Vic was going to invite me, then Mike did," I told him truthfully and a little nervously.
"But you don't like parties, you don't know Jack and Alex and you don't drink," he said, frowning, whilst the rest of his friends gave me a glare.
"I know, I'm going to leave soon anyway, so I'll see you later," I said, slightly saddened and with a fake smile.
In all honesty, I was upset that Jaime didn't want me here. He was right though, so I decided to leave. I set down my drink on the counter and headed for the door.
"Tony, where are you going?" A voice behind me called.
I turned around and it was Mike, along with his skinny tan arm around the pretty blonde girl.
"Oh, hi," I offered, giving him a small smile.
"Tony, this is Ellie and Eliie this is my friend Tony," he introduced us. "So, where are you going? You only just got here," Mike continued.
"Yeah, I know, but Jaime doesn't want me here and it's kind of late so I'll probably just head home," I sighed, looking down at my feet, so I didn't have to look at them together.
"But, Tone, I invited you, not Jaime. I just wanted you to have a good time" Mike replied, sounding a bit upset.
"Well, thanks, but I really must get home now," I told him, before turning and leaving. The cold air hit my face and I shrunk into my jacket, trying to avoid abandoned drinks and passed out people across the cold dew-soaked grass.
When I reached the bus stop, I was so tired and all of my limbs felt like lead, so I spread myself across the ground.
I curled my legs into my body and began to feel a little numb. Then I heard voices approaching me in the pitch black and I quickly stumbled to my feet only to be roughly pushed back down again.
I looked up and saw none other than Joel Whitman. He tormented me constantly at school, although I never told anyone because it made me feel super pathetic. I tried desperately to scramble to my feet and was pushed down once again, hitting my cheek hard on the bench of the bus stop. I cried out in pain as I hit the cold concrete again and felt something warm and wet trickle down my face.
He threw a few more punches and kicked me in the ribs, causing my eyes to water. My entire body ached and I felt as though I was on fire.
Eventually, they got bored and left me as rain began to fall. Small, cold droplets hit my skin and the cold seeped into me, seeming to cut through my skin and into my bones.
After what seemed like forever, I dragged myself to my feet, feeling so worthless and in pain.
Slowly and reluctantly, I began to walk to my house, finding I was closer than I thought.
When I arrived home, I flopped onto my bed, suddenly dizzy and feeling a heavy pounding in my head. I relented to the heavy weight of my eyelids and let them close.
A/N: short update, sorry. Blame school. Thanks for reading.🐢✨

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