Chapter 28

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"Tony," he said, from where he was sitting, his face melting into a mesmerising grin. I went over to where he sat, joining him and swinging my legs over the edge of the roof.
"You know what I was just thinking of? That movie we watched in May. The one where the two boys run to the top of the hill and the one who dies at the end tells the other he calls that place hells view because school is hell and that is the best place to view it from. Well, it's like that up here; this town is hell and here's the best place to view it from. But somehow it doesn't seem so hellish when I'm with you," Mike spoke softly, looking down and hiding his amazing chocolate eyes.
I nodded in agreement, looking down at my feet swinging over the edge as we fell silent.
"Where's Alissa?" He asked me quietly after a while, running his fingers through his hair and looking away. I noticed glassy tears rolling down his cheeks before he did so and I felt a stab of guilt course through me.
"Still in there I assume, I kind of left halfway through our song," I admitted, looking at him as he turned back to face me.
"Why would you do that? You love her don't you?" He asked, his intense brown eyes clouding with confusion and perhaps a little hurt.
"Well, actually I came out here because I saw you run out upset and I didn't want you to be. In fact, I have to talk to you about Alissa," I told him, reaching across and tilting his chin up to wipe away a single tear.
He smiles at my gesture and nods for me to go on, his eyes not flickering from mine.
"Well, the truth is I realised I'm not in love with her. I thought I was, but I'm not. You see I was in love with the way she was, not her. I was in love with the way she made my parents smile proudly. I was in love with the way it felt correct and like I was doing the right thing, but I didn't love her. What I felt for her didn't even come close to what I feel for you, Mike," I confessed, whispering the last part.
"Really?" He asked softly, a small smile tugging at his features.
"Definitely, I felt so upset seeing you alone tonight and I feel so stupid for being with her when all I wanted was to dance with you," I reassured him.
"What exactly are you saying, Tone?" Mike wanted to know, holding his breath, his eyes hopeful.
"I'm saying that I love you Mikey, more than anything and I really want to be with you. In fact I never stopped loving you," I told him, producing a chain from under my shirt with the ring he gave me on it, taking his soft hand in mine and edging closer so that our knees were just touching.
"I love you too, Tone, but I just need you to know how much it hurts when I'm not with you and I hope I'm the only one to ever hold you again," Mike whispered into my neck, having pulled me in for a hug by my waist.
"Of course, Mike," I responded, pulling away.
"You know, Tone, I would've really liked to dance with you tonight," he mentioned, biting his lip and looking up at me.
"Let's dance now then," I said simply, standing up and offering him my hand.
"But we have no music," Mike pointed out confusedly, taking my hand regardless and allowing me to help him to his feet.
"We don't need any, I'll sing," I insisted, pulling him into the centre of the flat part of the roof and placing my arms around his neck, as his naturally fell into place on my hips.
"Don't react, when I tell you and don't react, when I tell you..." I began to sing softly as we started to sway with the rhythm of my voice.
Mike rested his head on my shoulder, sighing contentedly and smiling against the material of my suit.
As I finished, Mike beamed at me and kissed my jaw, causing me to blush. We stood for what seemed like hours, holding each other close and talking about anything.
We had no plans, no intentions; we didn't need any. All that mattered to us was this single moment. It was only when the rain began to fall heavier and I began to shiver against him that Mike suggested we leave. We walked hand in hand out of the school gates and onto the silent road, lit only by the orange glow of street lamps, creating pools of light against the glistening wet tarmac.

A/N: Guys, it's over, that is the end of the love project. I might still do an epilogue. I hope you have enjoyed and thank you so much for reading. Currently I am working on a kellic called shoulder blades which is up on my page and I will probably start a new perrentes after I'm finished with that.

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