Chapter 3-

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I wasn't too sure how to feel about this project Jaime had come up with. It could end in Mike getting to know me, but even so I doubt he'd ever love me. In the end, I decided to go for it. What did I have to lose?
The next day Jaime invited Mike to my house so we could get started on the project. At five, Mike arrived and greeted Jaime with a bro hug and gave me a cute shy wave.
"So here's your pack, it has all the instructions on these cards and it shouldn't take more than a couple hours. Have fun," Jaime told us before departing, leaving me alone in the house with Mike.
"Let's get this on, babe," Mike joked giving me an over exaggerated wink as we went through to sit at the kitchen table.
We sat down opposite each other at the table and I took out the first card and read it aloud.
"Okay, number one, would you like to be famous? In what way?"
Mike was silent for a moment, thinking.
" I think I'd like to be able to do music as a career and be in a well-known band, but I wouldn't want to be recognised everywhere I go," he answered and I nodded in response.
"What about you?" He queried.
"I'd definitely love to be famous for doing guitar but I might be super nervous that I'd mess up," I confessed honestly.
"Okay, next question,what would constitute a perfect day for you?" Mike spoke, eyeing me questioningly.
"Well, I'd probably lie in until around eleven then I'd probably go to the aquarium and see the turtles. After, I'd get some pizza for lunch and then have a movie night with my friends Kellin and Vic then probably play my guitar on the roof until around four am," I answered blushing at the turtle part and I was sure he'd think the guitar playing would be weird.
"Turtles?" He wanted to know with a slight chuckle.
"Yeah, they're adorable. What about you?" I replied in defence.
"I would probably get up and eat a ton of cereal and watch Netflix until around midday. Then I'd get Taco Bell for lunch and play drums in the afternoon before going out to a party that night," Mike told me and I nodded.
I loved that his eyes lit up as he spoke about doing all of these things and it made me smile just seeing him so excited.
"This one says, name three things that you have in common," he said, thinking for a moment, as I did so too.
"Well, we both like playing music," I started.
"And Jaime told me your Mexican too," Mike continued.
"We both have brown eyes," I offered finally after a moment of thought.
"Yesssss, brown eyed Mexican music club," Mike yelled laughing and reaching across the table to high five me as we laughed together.
"Okay there's only two cards left," I told him, selecting the top one.
"Is there something that you've dreamt of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?" I read off the card.
I immediately knew what mine was and I couldn't tell Mike that it was to kiss him.
"Well I've always wanted to play at a concert but the opportunity just hasn't come up and I have no one to play with," he admitted.
"What about you, Tone?" He asked, causing me to blush at the nickname and because I was afraid to answer.
"Yes, but I'm too nervous to do it," I replied truthfully, dodging the question.
"And the last card says, arrange to do something together you will both enjoy for an evening," I read from the card.
"Well, we could just hang out here and watch some movies and order a pizza seeing as you're already here," I suggested.
"Sounds good," Mike accepted,shooting me a smile as we made our way into the lounge.
"Your house is really nice," he commented.
"Thanks, my parents work a lot so it should be," I said dryly.
We settled ourselves on the couch and I offered Mike a blanket which he took and I grabbed one for myself.
We finally decided on watching Harry Potter, Star Wars and Wayne's world two. Whilst Mike set up Harry Potter, I ordered myself a margarita pizza, a pepperoni one for Mike and some mozzarella sticks to share. Mike was obsessed with Harry Potter and snuggled up excitedly on the couch, ready for the film to start. After watching both Star Wars and Harry Potter we started Wayne's world.
"I love this movie so much. Especially, this one scene where she's like take me, Garth and he's like where I'm low on gas and you need a jacket," I told him laughing softly.
"Yeah,that bit's so funny," Mike agreed.
It finally came up to that scene and Mike and I could hardly contain our laughter.
"Take me, Garth," I mimicked her high voice, before Mike and I burst into fresh peals of laughter.
"Where? I'm low on gas and you need a jacket," Mike finished, chuckling once more.
I could barely focus on the movie with Mike next to me. His face was illuminated by the screen casting dark shadows along his slanting cheekbones and his eyes filled with light in excitement. I wanted so badly to cuddle into him, but he'd most definitely think I was weird.
Soon enough I felt my eyes getting heavy and finally shutting as I fell asleep.
A/N: thanks for reading and I will update again tomorrow🐢✨

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