Chapter 13

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I just want to say I do not agree with any opinions expressed by characters in this chapter and I would like to offer a sincere apology to anyone offended by them. My apologies. 💚

It was around four pm on Monday and I was sitting at home working on my Spanish homework. Mike was out with Jaime and his friends, but promised to call and possibly hang out with me later. I bit my lip and looked back down at my book, tapping my pen as I tried to think of the answer. I smiled stupidly when I caught sight of the ring on my finger. Suddenly, I heard a key click in the lock and began to panic, thinking it was an intruder. I relaxed slightly when my parents emerged, but still felt on edge with the being here.
"Tony," my father growled sternly, giving me a firm handshake as well as my mother.
"How have you been, son?" My mother enquired, setting down her black Ted Baker handbag on the counter, as she and my father took a seat opposite me.
"I'm going to call Simone and have her make us supper. Son, go and read in your room until we call you," my father announced, picking up his phone to call our house keeper. I was so in shock and confused about their presence that I just did exactly as he said, gathering my homework and heading straight to my room.
I debated in my head about calling Mike, but I knew he'd still be out with the others and didn't want to seem clingy. Jaime was with Mike and Kellin and Vic would no doubt be on their weekly "Monday movie nights". This was the calm before the storm, before my parents began to analyse my every aspect and disapprove of it. I just prayed they would go back to non-stop work for whatever reason tomorrow.
After around half an hour, I was called down to find Simone, laying a platter of spaghetti and meatballs on the table. She gave me the smallest of smiles which I returned as I sat down, before she walked back to the kitchen.
"What are you smirking at?" My mother reprimanded me as I took a seat.
I shrugged at their scowling faces and proceeded to serve myself a portion without any meatballs, on account of my vegetarianism. The platter was passed between the three of us in utter silence besides the soft clink of the serving spoon.
I began to tuck in when a massive pile of meatballs was shovelled onto my plate to my disgust.
"Stop being such a girl, get some meat in you, Son," my father huffed, spooning yet more onto the pasta stop my plate.
"I don't eat meat. I'm vegetarian," I muttered as calmly as I could, eyeing the plate in horror.
"Would you stop this nonsense and eat what Simone has been paid to cook for us? You really are too old for this and should know better. And take off that ridiculous ring,"my mother, scolded, shaking her head and making her pearl earrings swing violently as she did so.
"Do as your mother asks. Fine then. Don't eat it. So how have you been doing at school? Can I have your report card?" My father, exclaimed, motioning for me to hand it to him.
I nervously reached for my school bag next to the table, where I had been doing my homework earlier and produced the card.
"A, A, A+, A, A... All  'A s' and only one A+?!" My father fumed.
"Tony, this isn't right, why are you not working hard enough to be on top?" My mother complained.
"I-I'm sorry," I mumbled trying not be so pathetic as to cry and looking down.
"Don't stammer at me. Do you understand what this means? Anything below an A plus is a failure. It doesn't matter if you got almost an A plus, it simply means you lost the biggest, so congratulations, Son," my father yelled leaning across the table.
Before I could stop it, I felt a hot, salty tear roll down my cheek.
"No!" My father yelled, enraged "You will not cry. No Son of mine is going to grow up a pathetic pansy!"
I lost it then and ran out of the door, heading for Mike's house, where he and his friends were hanging out, ignoring my parents screams as I did so. Even if Mike was busy I could perhaps chat with Kellin and Vic or Jaime.
When I reached their house I was calm, standing in front of the house pulsating with music and hordes of drunken teenagers surrounding the perimeter.
My pulse quickened a little as I walked towards the door, mainly because of bad luck from previous parties I had attended.
The door was in fact wide open and more of my peers crowded the hallway and staircase as I fought my way through, heading for Mikes room. His door was open as well and as I approached across the landing, I caught a snippet of conversation.
"So who are you with, Mike? What's the deal with you and Jaime's friend?" Someone asked.
"Oh there's no deal between us, barely friends. I'm still with that blonde chick from the club last week," Mike replied casually. Just as I reached the door and they all spotted me, what he had said registered.
I began to run, hearing nothing, but distorted music and talking. Running in time to the pounding of my heart loud in my head and the pounding footsteps of someone behind me. As I reached the outside, they grabbed my wrist, pulling me to a stop. Although, I had stopped running everything continued to move.
Mike didn't want me.
Mike wanted Ellie.
Mike was standing in front of me and the scary part was I still got shivers from his deep brown eyes which contrasted perfectly with his tanned skin and slanting cheekbones.
I burst into fresh pathetic tears, gasping for air.
Mikes soft lips were moving in slow motion, every noise blurring into flat sound. I couldn't make out the word I could just remember the way it felt when he made me feel beautiful and pulled me into his arms. I remembered when he would look at me and breath 'wow' like I was becoming a beautiful work of art. I remembered lying in a hospital bed, completely disbelieving my existence.
But it wasn't true.
My lower lip trembled and everything suddenly became normal pace again. I ran gor home as fast as I possibly could, still unable to stop my tears.
I wondered how long we stood in his dark front yard; long grass at our feet, his warm hand around my wrist.
A/N: Wow sorry drama I know. It will get better. Please read the note at the top because I do not condone any of those opinions. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Also two updates in one day.😌😅

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