Chapter 9

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I stood outside in the cold night air, shivering in my black hoodie and concentrating all my energy on getting the pavement to stop moving. I learned this trick a long time ago from Jaime. He said it was all to do with your mind dancing and when your mind couldn't stop dancing, you had to pull yourself back to reality. First, you focus on one thing you can smell. I took a deep breath through my nose and smelt cigarette smoke mixed with sweat from the open door of the night club. Then you focus on one thing you can touch. I moved my hand across the cool brick wall, concentrating on how it felt. Next, you had to concentrate on one thing you could hear. I listened carefully, hearing the rapid thump of my heart pounding in my head and a distant siren. Lastly, you had to focus on something you could see and will it not to move anymore. Determinedly, I stared at the ground and watched as it slowed and eventually stopped.
Just then, Jaime came running out.
"Tone, duuude, that party is wild, yeah, come back in," Jaime slurred.
"I'm sorry, Jaime, I can't. Get a lift with Gideon or someone, I'll see you later," I told him, sighing and walking across to my parents' car. Jaime continued to slur drunkenly at me as I did so until he eventually went back inside.
I drove through the night, gradually increasing my speed. Everything was moving too fast and I let it. Laughing as hard as I could to numb the pain. For one beautiful moment everything around me slowed, too slow, way too slow and I began to scream as my car collided with another. All I could hear was the clash of tires against cement and the deafening ringing sound of glass shattering. Small pieces of glass pelted me like tiny constellations until I just saw black. Pure and peaceful.
We finished the kiss and I pulled away from Ellie, putting on a smile. I turned around and suddenly saw Tony. It started to confuse me more because I wanted to run to him and make him smile. I couldn't as I was pulled back into her arms and he ran out of the club. I got pulled in again and felt her lips against mine and I couldn't help, but compare them to Tony's, which made my breathing falter.
I pushed Ellie off of me and I couldn't even feel bad; all I could think about was Tony.
I rushed outside to see if he was still there, but to no avail. Dejectedly, I decided I needed to go home, so I called Vic to come pick me up. When he arrived, it was only eleven and he and Kellin seemed completely curious as to why I was here so early.
"I saw Tony and I realised that, well, he's so different to anyone I've met and I think I need to be with him," I sighed.
Honestly, I expected them to offer some helpful advice.
"I called it," Kellin yelled, "Mike that's great," Vic added.
"But what if he saw me kissing Ellie," I mumbled, really hoping he didn't get the wrong idea, I liked him too much to be hurt.
"Hopefully, he trusts you enough and you can just explain what happened with Ellie. Why'd you kiss her anyway?" Vic spoke, as we pulled into our driveway.
"I don't know. I was just so scared by how much I really like Tony," I responded.
Just then, Kellin's phone began to ring.
"Yes, I am his emergency contact, what happened?! A car crash?! Oh god, we'll be right there," Kellin half yelled into the phone.
"What's wrong?" Vic asked frantically, seeing tears in his eyes.
"Tony was in a car crash and he got taken to hospital," Kellin announced.
"Oh my god-" Vic started.
"Quick, drive," I told him, praying Tone was okay.
A/N: short but I will update later today. Have a great day, hope you enjoyed.🐢✨

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