Chapter 23

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I watched as Tony came out of the building. I sighed a little because he looked upset like he usually did after his sessions. This time something seemed different though. Nevertheless, I have him a smile to attempt to make him a little happier. His expression didn't change, as he walked over and opened the car door.
"Hey Tone, how was your session? I picked up your favourite Chinese food on the way," I spoke as upbeat as I could, whilst he climbed into the car. I leant down to kiss his jaw, but he moved away, making me feel shocked and a little hurt.
"Tone, what's wrong?" I asked, moving away to give him space.
He looked up at me with those soft, glowing eyes and bit on his lip out of habit.
"Mike, I need to talk to you about something," he said solemnly.
"Of course, whatever you need," I responded, starting to feel worried about what he had to say.
"Lately, things haven't been working out between us and I'm really sorry to say this, Mike, but I don't love you anymore," he said, trailing off into nothing more than a whisper at the last part.
I felt as though everything was falling apart and I had to bite back tears because I still loved him so much. I was also confused because we always said we loved each other.
"What are you saying?" I choked out, feeling my shoulders crumple dejectedly and not daring to look into his eyes.
"I'm saying I think we need to break up," he told me firmly.
"Tone, please don't do this, we can figure things out," I said softly, wishing I could reach for his hand and knot our fingers together, but afraid to hurt his feelings.
"I'm sorry, Mike," he told me, making to leave. He climbed out of the car, but I followed, holding his wrist to stop him in his tracks. I stepped out into the pouring rain beside where he stood. He looked down at where my hand was around his wrist, drops of rain sliding down both of our arms. Then he looked back into my eyes and I noticed the rain drops running down his nose and tangling in his hair.
"Just one last time," I whispered, leaning closer to kiss him, tentatively winding my arm around his waist.
I still felt butterflies and my tears mingled with the rain drops on my skin as he pulled away. He looked at me for a moment, before running off.
I stood for what must have been a long time in the rain, trying to stop my tears and shivering into my jacket. Eventually, my phone began to ring. At first I thought it was Tony and I hurried to answer it, hoping he wouldn't hear how pathetic I was being. Then I realised it was Vic. I answered, trying not to sob.
"Mike, where are you and Tony? It's been an hour since his class ended.
"I know. Tony's not coming home," I mumbled, forcefully wiping tears from my face.
"What? Why?" Vic asked.
"He broke up with me. He doesn't love me," I answered simply, sighing as I walked over and got in my car.
"Awe, Mike, I'm sorry," he said as I began to drive.
He continued talking, but I couldn't focus. I felt a lump in my throat and almost a physical pain in my chest. I caught sight of my ring glinting in the dwindling light. My arms felt empty without him.
A/N: short but I'll update again tomorrow. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. 🐢✨💕

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