Chapter 5

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Today was Thursday and Mike was coming over to work on the experiment again. I had loved almost every minute of last time, except for my bad dream. Mike probably thought I was really pathetic for that.
I didn't have time to dwell on it though, as my thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Swiftly, I made my way into the hall and opened it to reveal Mike.
"Hey," I spoke with a shy smile.
"Hi, ready to get started?" Mike replied cheerily, following me to the kitchen.
"Sure, you hungry?" I asked as we settled ourselves at the table.
"Yeah, what do you have?" Mike responded, taking the seat opposite me.
"I think we have pizza rolls," I told him, going over to the freezer to check.
"Sounds good, I live on pizza rolls," Mike said jokingly.
I retrieved them from the freezer and put them in the microwave, chuckling lightly.
Once they were done, I carried the plate back over to Mike, who was pulling out the first card.
"Doing anything fun tonight?" He wanted to know, making small talk as I came over.
"Nah, you?" I replied truthfully.
"Yeah, there's this party my friends Alex and Jack are having. Vic said he was going to invite you, but it's not really your thing, are you sure you don't want to come?" He informed me, taking a pizza roll from the plate.
"Alright, I'll come," I accepted, smiling.
If Mike was going to be there then I'd love to go.
"Great, I'll see you there. Okay, first question; Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items," Mike read aloud.
"Okay, I'll start, your eyes," I began, blushing a little as I looked into them and trying to hide it with my hands.
"Thanks, your cheekbones," Mike smiled.
"Um, you're obsession with Harry Potter because it makes you really happy," I blushed.
"Your obsession with turtles and Star Wars because your eyes always light up at them," he giggled at me.
"I've heard you play the drums when I go to see Vic and you're crazy talented," I complimented him.
"No way near as talented as your guitar playing and you sing good," he told me and I think I even spotted the slightest blush on his cheeks.
"You seem to care about and you're nice to me," I mumbled quietly as my final one.
"I have no reason not to be nice to you, you're funny and nice and fun to be around," he reassured me.
"Thanks Mike, I like hanging out with you too," I admitted.
"Next up, Complete this sentence: I wish I had someone with whom I could share ..." Mike asked me.
"Pizza! Ooh no actually a pet turtle," I yelled excitedly to mikes amusement.
"Wow, I'd have to say probably Harry Potter movies and jokes," he chuckled.
I take the next card and read it out.
" If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know," it said.
"Harry potter is the best thing ever, my favourite actor is Michael Cera and I like to eat lots, what about you?" Mike spoke with a grin.
"Turtles will rule the world someday, rooftops are kind of my thing and Swedish fish are my favourite candy," I finished, laughing a little.
"Okay, and the last question says: Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met," he told me.
"I really like your smile and the way your whole face lights up when you laugh and how your eyes fit perfectly and sparkle when your happy," I said after a moment of thought, blushing.
" I like that you get so excited and happy about little things and you're really funny and cute," Mike told me, causing my cheeks to turn pink.
Now it's his turn to blush and he went crimson, hurriedly standing up, to my disappointment.
"I uh have to go, see you at the party," he said and promptly left.
Not feeling too disheartened, I went upstairs to get ready.
A/N: bit short, might update again later also I put the song Tony played Mike at the top.🐢✨

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