Chapter 20

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I stood on Tony's doorstep and knocked, waiting for him to answer. I was so excited for the surprise I had planned tonight and I couldn't help smile to myself as I waited in anticipation. Just then the door opened to reveal Tony. He looked adorable, wearing a navy button up shirt with tiny stars dotted across it and black skinny jeans, paired with his black vans. His hair looked freshly washed and shone in the dwindling light as day turned to dusk.
"You look beautiful," I told him, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Thank you, so do you," he responded blushing crimson as we stood somewhat awkwardly on his door step.
"Um, I was going to bring you flowers, but, uh, I thought it was too girly and not really you, so I brought you a turtle cupcake," I blushed, handing him the cupcake, iced with a green cartoon turtle.
"Thanks so much, Mike, it's so cute," he laughed, kissing my jaw.
"I love you," he added softly, taking a bite of his cupcake.
"I love you too," I responded.
"You ready to go?" I asked, after a moment.
"Yeah," he replied, taking my hand as we walked over to Vic's car I had borrowed and got in. I played with his ring like I always did.
"Okay, now cover your eyes and no peeking, I want it to be a surprise," I instructed as he climbed into the seat beside.
"Alright," he giggled excitedly.
When we arrived, I got out and opened the door for Tony.
"Okay, open your eyes," I told him winding my arm around his waist.
"Oh my God, it's the aquarium. But, Mike, it's closed at this time," he said, excitedly confused and gripping onto my hand the entire time.
"I know it's closed to the public, but open just for us," I smirked knowingly, leading him over to a ladder I had propped up against the building earlier.
"Really Mike?" Tony laughed.
"Yep," I said, helping him up the ladder and onto the roof.
"Well okay, but only because I love you," he mumbled as I lead him by the hand across the flat roof and over to the air vent grate.
"I love you too," I told him, opening the grate and gently lowering him down until he was stood on the viewing bench directly below.
I followed suit and found him standing in the middle and gasping. I had set up a little picnic right next to the glass of the enclosure earlier.
"Thank you so much, Mike," he said, hugging me close the way he always did. His head would fit just under my chin, his own chin resting against my shoulder and his soft dark hair would tickle me. His arms were the perfect length to loop around my neck and mine were at the perfect height to go comfortably around his waist. He would usually play with my hair and smile against my neck, making me feel beautiful.
For most of the evening, we just sat cuddled together on the picnic blanket watching the turtles, eating and talking about absolutely anything.
I even tried to convince Tony to sing for me.
"Please, I love when you sing, Tone, please just for me," I begged, squeezing his hand reassuringly and resting my head against his neck.
"Tony, please," I whispered against his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his skin and feeling goosebumps where I had brushed my lips, as he shivered against me.
"Fine," he relented, giving me a small smile.
"What do you want me to sing?" He wanted to know, looking down at our intwined hands.
"Anything," I whispered again, keeping my head in the same position.
"Alright, here's something I wrote,"
"Can you tell that story it's my favourite one..." He sung beautifully. I couldn't take my eyes off of him the entire time. The second he was finished, I couldn't resist leaning forward and kissing him, first on his blushing cheeks and then his soft pink lips.  He was kissing me back and pulling me toward him.
We finally broke the kiss and his hair was ruffled, his lower lip slightly swollen from kissing and his eyes bright.
I took his hand and we ran out of the aquarium, smiling and struggling for oxygen.
Eventually, we stopped by my car in the pitch black parking lot.
"I should probably get home soon," Tony said softly and we drove back to his. I walked him up to the porch.
"Good night," I whispered, holding his waist and kissing him until I felt dizzy, but I kept going. There was something so exhilarating about the biting cold air and his warmth.
Suddenly, his front door flew open and someone screeched in horror. We sprang apart and Tony looked terrified. I could see tears welling in his eyes and I wanted nothing more than to take him in my arms and make him feel beautiful and loved and protected. The woman who I assumed to be his mother mother stood there in complete horror.
"David," she yelled, running back into the house, leaving the door ajar.
"I love you," I insisted, but Tony was too shocked to speak.
"Do you need me to leave because I understand if you do," I assured him, taking his hand because I didn't know what else to do as I watched his lip tremble and a tear spill down his cheek. Silently, he nodded and I began to jog away down the path.
Just before I left I heard him call my name.
"I love you two," he managed, sniffing as more tears rolled down his face. I blew him a kiss and he pretended to catch it, just as his parents came back.
I rounded the corner and hid behind a hedge, trying to hold in my anger as I listened to all the hateful things they yelled at Tony.
A/N: idk let me know how this was. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

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