Chapter 19

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Once we got into class, our group decided to split off into two groups to start working on our song. Noah and Austin wanted to work together on writing the lyrics, whilst Mike and I worked on the guitar and percussion.
I was sitting on a chair writing down some chords for the intro, when Mike came bounding over, wielding a guitar.
"Tony, teach me guitar," he practically yelled, sitting on my lap and grinning hopefully over his shoulder at me.
I laughed and shook my head, kissing his jaw, setting down my notebook next to the chair.
"Okay, so you want your left hand like this up here and your right hand down over here," I instructed, taking his left hand and guiding it to the neck of the guitar under my own hand and moving his right hand under mine to the other end.
"And now you want to press down on these strings right here and then move your other hand over all the strings at this end," I told him, helping him to strum a chord.
"This is loads easier than I thought, no wonder you're so good at guitar, Turtle," he told me with a smirk.
"Oh yeah?" I asked jokingly.
"Yeah," he replied, crossing his arms and turning on my lap to look at me.
"Can you do this?" I challenged, starting to strum a song I had written a while back super fast.
"Probably," Mike shrugged, kissing me and putting his arms around my waist.
"Michael Christopher Fuentes, give back my guitar," Vic hollered, from the hall, before bursting through the door.
"Ew stop cuddling my guitar," Vic exclaimed, grabbing it from between us and shaking his head in confusion as he stomped out.
We both immediately began laughing and had to fight not fall off the chair and both be sent tumbling to the ground. Mike steadied us with his hand on the desk next to us.
"Stop laughing at me," Vic yelled from the hall only causing us to burst into fresh peals of laughter.
Eventually, we stopped laughing and Mike stood up, helping me up with him.
"I forgot to ask, but do you want to go out tonight? Jaime mentioned your parents aren't here so we can actually go somewhere," Mike giggled.
"Sure. Where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise," Mike yelled, winking and doing over the top jazz hands.
"Well, okay, I'll play along, but don't kill me," I warned, chuckling.
"I won't," Mike assured me, kissing my jaw and taking my hand, fiddling with the ring he gave me like always when he held my hand.
"Now stop being cute, Tony, we need to work," Mike said sternly.
"I'll try but..." I trailed off jokingly, resting my chin in the palm of my two hands and smiling a pageant girl smile.
"I said stop," Mike whined, causing me to laugh and pull him in for a hug.

Mike PoV
Tony laced his arms around my neck and pulled me into his arms. It was moments like this when it hit me how much I loved him. I could smell his scent of aftershave and detergent, mixed with something I couldn't quite put my finger on, which felt familiar and safe. I couldn't wait to surprise him tonight.
A/N: Quick short update I'll try update again later tonight.🐢💕✨

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