Chapter 24

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It was exactly a week from the day Tony broke up with me. Despite not being able to stop thinking about him, I was doing better than I thought I would be. I think it was mainly because he seemed happy whenever I saw him at school. Every time I glanced up and he caught my gaze, I would smile, simply because he was.
Tonight Mike had warned me Tony would be coming over to hang out with him and Kellin. Honestly, I hadn't thought much of it when Vic told me last night. After all, I see him every day at school anyway.
Once I got home from walking alone back from school in the sweltering San Diego heat, I took a shower and got changed into a fresh tank top and black skinny jeans. I was feeling quite hungry so I went downstairs to make some cereal, plugging in my headphones and going into the kitchen.
I poured my cereal into the bowl and topped it up with milk, before making to head upstairs again. Unfortunately, because of my headphones, I failed to hear Vic and his friends come in. On my way up the stairs, my headphones were out and I heard three all to familiar laughs and one I hadn't heard before, mixed in with Tony's soft giggle which still have me butterflies.
Just then all four of them came into view, Kellin and Vic leading the group and Tony and a pretty girl with dark hair followed behind.
"Hey, Mike," Vic spoke sympathetically, before continuing with Kellin down the stairs.
"Awe, you're so funny," the girl with dark hair chuckled, leaning over and kissing Tony's cheek.
I had stopped in my tracks, biting back my jealousy as they breezed by, not giving me a second look. I stared after them, watching as Tony linked his hand in hers. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and ignored the tears stinging my eyes and clouding my vision.
I quickly hurried to my room, setting aside my cereal due to the fact I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

[I suggest play cocoon by catfish and the bottle men at this point^]
Before I knew it, tears began to slide down my face and I sank into the bed, burying my head in my hands out of frustration. It kept replaying in my mind the way he looked at her as though she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. I stared down at the ring we each had and memories of Tony started to fill my thoughts, as I lay perfectly still on my bed, staring at the chipped white paint on my ceiling.
The first memory to flood my thoughts was the time I called him cute before we were together and he blushed bright pink.
The second was looking down at him nestled in my arms, as I carried him up to bed after watching movies for hours, his skinny arms looped around my neck.
Next I remembered walking into a hospital room, seeing him bundled in sheets, his hair across his forehead as he mumbled his nickname for me with big, glassy eyes.
I remembered going to the aquarium for the first time and telling him he was beautiful, his hand gripping onto mine. And the second time; his eyes were bright when I kissed him and he held me equally as tight.
These memories and images flashed through my mind, snippets of each one, getting faster and more deafening. The sound seemed to suffocate me.
Finally, Vic's voice cut through the chaos leaving just a unnerving ringing sound, which made me wince.
"Mike, it's dinner. Are you okay?" he spoke, sounding concerned, his voice distorted from the ringing in my ears.
"Oh. What? Yeah," I replied hoarsely, following him downstairs in a daze.

[I suggest to start playing Ruby by twenty one pilots at this point]
At the table, Kellin and Vic took one end, my parents took the other end and Tony and this girl were on the opposite side to the only empty seat where I usually sat, meaning I was forced to stare into his soft, brown orbs.
My parents involved themselves in conversation with the girl and Tony. Kellin and Vic involved themselves in some petty argument. I stayed silent, swallowing my food which seemed to have lost its taste.
Every time I looked up, I would catch a glimpse of Tony, causing a shiver to run along my spine and a wave of sadness to crash over me. I swallowed a lump rising in my throat and averted my gaze down, which didn't help take my mind off him as I was still wearing my ring.
"Um, can I be excused?" I asked my parents softly, to which they nodded. Jealousy surged within me as I walked out of the room, seeing her take his hand.
A/N: so in case you didn't see the song suggestions I put in brackets are the videos next to them. Let me know if you like me adding songs. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Although I didn't plan to finish this until the end of April there is only two chapters and an epilogue left.

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