Chapter 21 : Year 2

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By the end of the two-week winter break, I was completely sick of Astoria, so I sat with Ginny and the twins on the train ride back to Hogwarts.

"How was your holiday, Lainey?" Ginny asked me as the four of us sat in a compartment. The twins were seated next to each other, trying to tamper with Percy's Head Boy journal.

"Interesting..." I replied slowly, staring over at the journal as I recapped on the strange events of the last two weeks. "I think my brother is dating Astoria Greengrass, but I'm not entirely sure."

"Ew, really?" Ginny questioned. "Isn't it weird to have your friend date your brother? I—I mean, your brother that's so close in age. Maybe it wouldn't be so weird if he was a lot she was dating your oldest brother, Garren?"

"Oh—no, that would be terribly worse," I assured her. "I wouldn't put it past Astoria to try to date a guy six years older, though."

Ginny let out an awkward laugh before looking out the window; George glanced up at me with an odd expression but then shook his head and looked back at the journal; Fred seemed to be avoiding my gaze for the moment.

"Colin Creevey is probably going to think I'm in love with him, too," I told them in an attempt to break the awkward silence. "Astoria and Evan sent him a fake love letter, and I don't think he's...bright enough to understand it's not real."

Ginny actually giggled now as she turned toward me. "Looks like you're going to have a new boyfriend too, hm?"

I ran a hand through my hair, shaking my head miserably. "I hope not."

"I'll be in charge of your couples' photos, Fitz," Fred joked, finally looking up to give me a solid, classic wink.

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "No, we do not need a repeat of last year's photography."

When we got to Hogwarts, I was able to find Harry and Ron in the Great Hall, although Hermione seemed to be missing.

"We're not talking to her," Ron told me grumpily as he ate some chicken. "Harry got a Firebolt for Christmas, and Hermione had it confiscated by McGonagall because they think it's from Sirius Black."

My brow furrowed as I stared at him from across the Gryffindor table. "Er—what's a Fireboat?"

"It's the newest broomstick model," Harry told me, also seeming glum. "Someone sent it to me—probably because my old broom was destroyed."

"Why would Sirius Black send it to you, though?" I asked. "And what would be so bad about that?"

"They think it could be cursed," Ron went on. "I think that's a load of rubbish, though. Hermione's probably just jealous."

"They think he sent it to me because...well, because he's my godfather," Harry replied hesitantly. "And they think he's looking for me."

I bit my lip, unsure of what to say. Should I tell Harry that I spoke with Sirius Black on Halloween? It might be comforting for Harry to know that Sirius didn't seem to be such a murderous wacko, but maybe he'd just been feeling particularly kind that evening...

I chose to keep my mouth shut, and instead I just listened to Ron rant on about how angry he was with Hermione. As horrible as it was, I was actually slightly relieved to hear that Ron was quarreling with Hermione. Maybe that meant that he didn't fancy her...but that was so selfish of me to think...

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