Chapter 3:

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"Mommy, when do I get back home?"

Scarlette asks sweetly, looking up into my eyes with her innocent blue ones.

"Tomorrow afternoon after lunch. Plenty of time to build the best sandcastle ever,"

I grin, kissing her forehead.

"Be good with Mamaw Andrea okay?"

Harry smiles, embracing the little girl in a tight hug. She returns the smiles, dimples popping out of her cheeks as she nods quickly.

"Alright, let's go babydoll,"

Mom calls, taking her hand gently as they wave before disappearing out the door. Scarlette tugging her little pink suitcase behind her before the door closes.

"Well, we're alo-"

I don't get to finish before Harry slams me into the wall, his lips passionately gliding across mine.

"Kidding, kidding, c'mon, its a movie day and I actually baked for once!" He pulls apart and starts tugging me toward the sofa.

"Oh, Lord help us."

Letters From Scarlette {Haylor}Where stories live. Discover now