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I am in love. My mother's best friend's son. (C) He's 16. I've known him my whole life. I've loved him since I was 8. He was 9. He'll be 17 this year.
He's a jerk, not to me. He's cute. He's funny. He's fun to be around.
He tells me that I'm beautiful and funny and fun to be around.
When he has candy or whatever he makes me eat it even when I really don't want to. He tells me I'm not fat enough for his liking... Even though all of his girlfriends have been as skinny as sticks. Btw my thighs are huge. My hips are bigger than my mom's and she has had 4 children, all natural child birth.

He told me he doesn't like me though. He never has, never will.
My mom and his mom think different.
My mom said "You guys are getting older. You're both maturing. You're getting more beautiful everyday. The feeling with become mutual."
His mother smiles at us whenever we are next to each other. She tells us all the time "Stop flirting" then smiles.
My mom says they are betting on us getting together in a couple years. They both think we will. I know we won't.
I still like him though. I can't get over him.
I won't even give other guys the chance. I will look though.

My friend loves me.(D) He's not even a year younger than me. He says I'm the love of his life. He had it all planned out.
Marriage in 3 years, beach house in Florida and 2 kids.
The complete opposite of what I want.
But I still love C.

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