His procedures

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So.... My nephew had his colonoscopy and EGD yesterday.
So basically he had a camera down his throat and up his butt. They took pictures and they also took biopsies. So samples of his insides and stuff.
The pictures were okay. They didn't find anything out of the ordinary. Now we have to wait for the biopsies to come back.

While we were at the hospital, which was all day. My school was blowing up my phone and my mom's phone. We weren't answering because we were talking to doctors and the hospital had poor cell service. So finally my mom answered and this guy that doesn't like me and is trying to get me kicked out was like "I was calling to inform you that Lexis has not done any school work at all." Yes I have. Mom was like "We are at the hospital. There is a reason we are ignoring your phone calls." He said "Well school needs to be top priority and she isn't doing her school work." She said "Look. My grandson is here having surgery and we are all here as well. Lexis was logged on for hours yesterday doing her school work and you just talked to her last week and said she had done 12 assignments in the span of 2 hours." He said "No. She only did 8 last week." BULL SHIT ASSHOLE!!! YOU COUNTED WHILE I WAS ON THE DAMN PHONE WITH YOU LAST THURSDAY AND I DONE 12 ASSIGNMENTS AND I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF ONE AS WE WERE TALKING!

So you know how online school is supposed to be a flexible schedule right? Well they have it to where we are supposed to be logged in for 5 hours a day and get at least 5 assignments done. The assignments consist of a lot of fucking reading and like 30 questions each. I babysit 2 fucking toddlers all day everyday. They know this. I have told them that I will get my shit done but that asshole just wants to kick me out.
Last week he talked to my mom and was like "If she's having trouble, if this school is too hard for her then maybe you should look into some easier schools for her." I'M NOT FUCKING STUPID YOU ASSHAT!!! I AM NOT LIKE OTHER TEENAGERS WHO DON'T FUCKING HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES!  I CLEAN AND BABYSIT AND COOK AND SO MUCH MORE!!! I CAN'T SIT DOWN AT THE FUCKING COMPUTER 5 HOURS A FUCKING DAY!!! CHILL YOUR DICK AND SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

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