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Holy shit balls man!!!
Thank you so freaking much!!!!
Here is a list of things that my nephew and I do together.....

We are Belieber Buddies. I am #1 he is #2
We love Harry Potter. We have watched all of the movies together. I have not yet read him the books but I will.
We love Dirty Dancing! We actually just got done watching it. We sing along to the songs and everything!
We love Twenty One Pilots! His favorite song is HeavyDirtySoul.
If one of us isn't feeling well or if I have cramps then we do take a bubble bath.
He sleeps with me. He is actually laying right next to me watching me type this.
We fight. Play fight but it is physical. He has a good ass punch!
We love The Blind Side! We watched it today.
We love watching Kian and JC and Jenna Marbles together!
He loves watching me paint my nails.
When I'm reading he lets me fangirl to him. If I'm crying during a fangirl moment he holds my head and says "Okay?" and I say "Okay."
We love TFIOS!
We love Flannels!
He loves putting my shoes on!
We love dancing together!
We sing together! Our song is Ride by Twenty One Pilots.
I am the only one that he lets give him piggy back rides!
I am the only one that is able to get him to sleep unless he is dead tired and he's in a car.
We love BIKES! Motorcycles! Our favorites are Kawasakis and Suzukis!
We love Axell Hodges!
He lets me fangirl about hot guys!
Oh my... When I got noticed by this guy that I love I started crying and hyperventilating and he was helping me and telling me to calm down and shhhh.
He fangirls with me a lot of the time as well.

I used to hate children. I still do. I just absolutely love Bralyn! He has changed my life and he was the first baby to ever like me! He is the only child that really likes me.

Child and I... Yeah..... We don't go well together but Bralyn and I? Yeah. We are 2 peas in a pod.

If I leave for the night and he sleeps with my mom, he gets up in the morning and goes to my bedroom door and knocks and calls out "Sissy!"
He calls me Sissy.

I love this little guy to death and would do anything for him!

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