Here's what we know...

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My sister came back today. She said her 34 year old boyfriend has been abusing her badly and making her give him sex whenever he wants it. He beats her if she refuses.
She brought along a dog. Yes, another dog. A blue nose pit bull. Gorgeous dog. I love it already. My nephew is already in love and so super attached.
We know her and her boyfriend abused it. We caught her. She puked on the carpet and my sister grabbed her by the neck, not the scruff, and jerked her around.
Stella, the puppy, has parvovirus. It's a disease that effects puppies. If not treated or not treated in time it can be fatal. This is the second puppy of ours that has had parvo. The first was Coco. Our Chihuahua. She had it for about a month and we just fed her similac baby formula from a syringe. The formula coats their intestines so that they don't bleed and die. I have been giving her the similac from a syringe and we gave her wet dog food from a can and I put some of the similac in the bowl with it and some water.
We don't know how my nephew will take it if she dies. He is already so attached to her. So, 6 dogs and 2 cats. Wow.

My nephew's stool sample came back and the doctor called my mom today and it turns out he is completely lactose intolerant and his body produces too much sugar. So, he probably has diabetes. A nutritionist is going to call my mom with information about what to do and how about to go about it.

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