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So...... I rarely use Snapchat to text other than my friend Sara. I add people I went to school with and they add me back but we never talk. Just watch each other's stories. Every once in a while a guy will add me and me being the curious person that I am, add him back only to receive a dick pic or in one case... A video of him jerking off.

Let me just put this out there---
I don't exactly mind or care about getting those because at least I know what kind of person you are. I don't delete you... I'll talk to you but you're not important. I can drop you and never want to talk to you again.

Now--- A guy followed me on Instagram yesterday and in his bio he had his Snapchat.... Obviously I added him...
He added me back and he sent me a picture. I was expecting to see a dick. When I opened it, it was his face and he called me 'Miss'
I was so shocked I started kinda hyperventilating 😂
So I told him that
Welp.... So I don't have a bad impression of him because the first thing he sent me was not a dick pic.
He still hasn't sent me a dick pic and I applaude that.

If you are a guy, just know that girls don't exactly applaude your dick pics. It does nothing for us by the way.
Why send them? So you can receive pictures? Why though? There's this thing called Google and you can look up naked girls doing all kinds of things. So why the fuck do you want a picture that's lasting 10 seconds or less......
I just don't understand.

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