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To whoever celebrates Thanksgiving, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

We usually celebrate at our house. We cook tons of food and invite a bunch of people over. This year is different though. We are celebrating at my grandma's house. She has a boyfriend.... Well fiance. He's nice and shares my same political views... That are not going to be shared.

Something happened this morning. Mom and Big Chris got into a fight. I know, SURPRISE SURPRISE!!!

It's because he has no respect for our furniture or anything and other than go to work, he does nothing. I mean, he pays a couple bills but other than that he sucks. He doesn't ever do any yard work or any work on the house. Our house is falling apart. He doesn't take care of the dogs we have. We have 6 dogs. He has never bathed them. He doesn't pick up their poop or clean up the pee. We just recently got a new puppy. An American blue nose pit bull. Beautiful dog. She isn't trained because he messes it all up and won't let us put her in the cage at night or when we leave. She's a puppy, she chews shit up. He lets her roam free at night and she pees and poops every where. He never cleans it up and we have all hard wood floors. The pee sits there and eventually soaks into the wood. It makes spots on the wood and ruins it. He doesn't give a shit.

We left at around 10. We came to my grandma's early so we could get away from him.

I am at my grandma's right now. I helped cook and now I am on the computer typing this and listening to Christina Perry. She has a beautiful voice.

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