Oh. My. Gosh.

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Okay guys, so the other day he was like "So this girl added me on Snapchat" and ya know... My heart kinda sunk and I was like "Oh... Are you talking to her?" and he said "No. I don't even know who she is." and blah blah blah then I was like "So... Has she texted you?" and he said "No. I mean yes. But a snap." and I said "Oh" like okay, my heart sunk a little more. And then he was like "Use your investigating skills to find out who she is" and he had given me her snap name earlier in the convo but I didn't add her until he gave me permission. So I found her on Instagram and I requested to follow her. She declined and I think it's because on his most recent picture he asked people to comment funny things and I did only after he asked me to and he only replied to my comment. And then on my most recent picture he commented... So I think she saw that stuff.
So I requested again and I got blocked but ya know, perks of having multiple Instagram accounts. Hehehe.
So I went and requested on my other account and she accepted and followed me back. So I looked through her shit and she looks 14 but she has prom pictures and her boobs are popping out in like every picture! And she has captions like "Tb to drunken nights with my sis" Like um....... Wow.

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