Happy Happy Happy

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So oh my gosh I woke up in the best mood ever this morning!
Yesterday was just overall a pretty damn good day.
So the day before yesterday (Tuesday May 9) he sent me a picture and I screenshot it because it was adorable and he texted and was like "I hate you. Why must you screenshot?!" and I was like "You can't hate me." and he said "Yes I can." and I said "Dude." "What?" "You do not hate me." "A tad." And that broke my heart guys and like I ignored him for a couple hours and ended up in a shitty mood. So my friend texted him and was like "Yo, why is Lexis in a shitty mood?" and he said he didn't know a d she blamed it on him and then he said he would ask.. So he texted me and I didn't open it for like 10 minutes and he texted her and was like "Sigh. No response." so I finally opened it and he said "Well hi there" and I said "Hello" and he used an old nickname and said "Sup pancakes" and we talked for a while until I went to bed. Then yesterday (Wednesday May 10th) we were talking all day and he was talking about school and how he's ready for it to end and he said he wasn't walking at Graduation. I asked why and he said "Cause I hate everyone. Except you pancakes, you're greeeaaattttt" and AWWWW
So then last night we were talking and I explained the story of how my friend and I almost got in a fight with a cheerleader because I was staring at her brother and she thought I was staring at her. So he asked me to rate the dude on a scale of 1-100, 100 being Justin Bieber because he knows I love him so much. So I said a 45 and he said "So a 45 or above is attractive?" and I said "Yeah sure I guess" and he said out of the blue "I'd say you're an 84378 especially with winged eyeliner" LET ME TELL Y'ALL
I had to put my phone down and bury my face into my pillows. It was amazing.
And now we're texting as I'm typing this and he's telling me his ethnicity and such and he said "I hope you like french guys cause that's what I am" AWWWWW
It sucks that he's 560 miles away, 2 states over.

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