Nephew Updates

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So...... He's sick again. Today is Friday February 3, 2017... I was sick on Monday and Tuesday but I still watched my nephew and cousin all day. Wednesday, Bralyn started getting sick. He started throwing up. He couldn't keep anything down, not even water. I have been thrown up on more than 10 times in the last 3 days. My uncle still has me watch my cousin.... Even though my nephew is puking all over the place and it's probably contagious.

It's hard to watch a sick 2 year old and a 3 year old that doesn't fucking listen! I had better get paid for this shit.

So anyway, Bralyn (my nephew) has a doctors appointment today. Everyone thinks he'll be hospitalized. He hasn't been drinking but if he even tries he throws it up. He has bad diarrhea still but it's gotten worse. I have also been pooped on. All he wants to do is have me hold him and he sleeps.
He has me hold his stomach to my stomach because he says "Belly. Hurt."

He is the most precious thing ever and I hate to see him like this.

It all connects to his stupid ass mother.

I have been updating people on Snapchat but I can't post anything on Facebook or Instagram because I am friends with my sister on Facebook and my sister's boyfriend... He's 35... Follows me on Instagram.
I don't block them because it's our way to keep tabs on them... Or at least make sure she's okay.

I am literally sitting at home holding Bralyn with my cousin on the couch while Big Chris is here and all he's doing is yelling.

Oh and.....
He came home last night and he was upstairs drinking and Mom and I were downstairs and I was standing up and holding Bralyn. He took a sip of water then was like.... Heaving a little. So I said "If you need to throw up just go ahead and do it." And he did. All over my shoulder and back. It just kept coming out too. Gosh it was so much... So after he was done we went upstairs to clean ourselves up and Mom made Little Chris help clean up the puke off the rug. Then Big Chris stomps down the stairs and is mad because "You're diverting all your attention to him! I'm sick too! Look at my nose! I have snot all over my nose!"
Oh of course... I forgot.... A 40 year old man with a stuffy nose needs more attention than a 2 year old that has nasty shit coming out of both ends! Forgive me for forgetting that.

Oh, Mom just got home and he's yelling at her and saying she doesn't do anything but yet she works every fucking day!!

They just left. Big Chris went with them to the doctors. Oh.. That's going to be a joyful time.

Now I'm watching my cousin but he's in trouble right now because he peed on the couch and just lied in it for 20 minutes without telling me he peed. So, he's in trouble. He's not allowed to play today. He will sit with me in my room while I do my school work.

I will update on Bralyn when I get news of what's going on.

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