Chapter 19 - Dance

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The video they played before we got to perform in had some parts from our practising and also the interviews we had.

But what Diego said in the interview...

- Now what should I say? - he began - I'm enjoying to work with her once more. This is something I can never get bored of.

Then they played in some old clips from our performances from the previous Ballando Con Le Stelle.

- I loved her then... And I love her now... - he continued with the same happy smile on his face which he always has - And I will always love her, even if she doesn't love me... And I know I shouldn't say this, but oh well... I just did!


Our choreography started with us walking in front two different sides of the stage and while waiting there I was looking right at him.

And all he did was to give me the same smile he gave in the video.

But now I had no time to think anymore.

It was time to start.

First we walked in and the whole audience was silent which made me even more nervous...

But as soon as me and Diego got a hold of each other's hands and looked into his eyes I instantly calmed down.

I felt relaxed.

And I felt ready to do this.

So I began to do what I had to.

And so did Diego.

Our dance was tango as he's the best at that, but this is what also made Lorenzo a little frustrated, but to me it was the best.

It was the best because I knew we will be really good at this.

And I love the way we dance together, so close and so sensually...



As the dance was going on and on I've completely forgot about where we were, until we were finished and we were standing inches away from each other, staring into each other's eyes.

The audience was cheering all around while I heard Mariotto screaming:



- See? - Diego whispered - I told you that everything will be just perfect...

- Yeah... You did... - I muttered, but we could no longer speak as Milly came up to us and pulled us to the side, where the jury was as she began to speak...

Ballado Con Le Stelle (Diegia)Where stories live. Discover now