Chapter 39 - Sadness... Or not?

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I'm still shocked by what Lorenzo just told me.


I guess this "secret" lasted till now, huh?

But what am I gonna do?

Because right now I really don't want to make either of them sad, but at the same time I also know I can't let myself down either.


How am I supposed to handle this??

- Mom?

Suddenly Leon snapped me out of my thoughts which caused me to feel even worse than I already did.

Leon loves Lorenzo...

I don't think I need to say anything more about that.

- Leon... - I forced a smile on my face as I looked up towards the stairs, where his voice was coming from.

I already feel terrible.

- What happened, mom? Why are you sad?

- Leon, I...

- Did you and Lorenzo argued again?

- Again...?

- I've heard you doing that before...

I let out a deep sigh, trying not to start crying in front of him.

- I'm sorry... Things just... Don't go the way I wanted them to... I'm sorry...

- I'm with you... Don't be sad! - he said as he hugged me tightly.

- Thank you, Leon... I needed this... - I smiled as I hugged him back tightly.

- I'm here to make you happy if no other man can!

This is exactly what I needed.

To know he's here for me.

God, I love this kiddo so much!

----- TIME SKIP -----

I didn't do anything with Lorenzo afterwards.

I didn't text.

I didn't call either.

As much as it hurts we will eventually end up with breaking up.

That's unavoidable.

Which is fine now.

Honestly... As far as I can remember Diego has always been then only man that made me truly happy and I'm not saying this because I want to make myself feel better, or because Lorenzo didn't make me happy.

He did make me happy.

But Diego is something more.

As now we're about to start the next show of Ballando Con Le Stelle seeing him around makes me so much more happier than thinking about Lorenzo coming here in an hour.

This is gonna be the longest hour to wait now...

- Chin up, beautiful! - I suddenly heard Diego's voice coming from behind me while I was already sitting at the judge table, along with Carolyn and Mariotto.

- Ah! Jesus! - I gasped.

- What? I'm not Jesus!

- Diego!

- Sorry! - he laughed and I began to laugh as well.

It's crazy how with this little, crazy thing he can make me laugh.

You might think I'm stupid...


Think that.

Because I am.

Or I should say crazy...

Crazy in love...

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