I feel like a Major Nerd

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Me and my sister got into a "fight" and I chased her up the stairs, and when I leaped on the bed to attack her, she covered me with a pillow, then laid on top of me. I could barely breath, and my glasses dug into my nose, but I got her back. I crept up behind her, and hugged her, which I know freaks her out, and she hates it. *evil smile*

I cussed at my sister! *hangs head in shame* I feel so bad! (Milestone!) She and I got into a conversation about who decided what words were to be considered curse words. She explained to me about Big r reality, and little r reality, as well as Big t truth, and little t truth. It was very interesting, and I actually understood it. I won't explain it over Wattpad, because it might explode your minds, but I was surprised I understood it. She gave me an article about all those things, and I felt like a nerd after realizing that I understood it, but some IB sophomores in World Explorations class didn't. I mean, I already knew I'm a nerd, because normal sixth graders don't use the words didactic, mellifluous, indispensable, exempt, proliferating, peripheral, intractable, intersperse, intransigent, inure, irradiate, and investiture in their daily lives? Me! I also have straight A's, I'm a teacher's pet, and I also have a college reading level according to a Star Reading test.  

I'm slightly better, and I no longer feel like I'm dying! 

Farthewell, my fellow beings of the universe. I wish the best of everything to you, and I'm going to try and figure out why I'm not popular. Huh. 

              -Matsukitty (AKA Matsunerd, which is what I'm going to call myself from now on. Give me your opinion on the name, because I make bad choices sometimes, and I don't want to on Wattpad.)

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