I'm Still Alive!

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Hey, so I still exist, and I got tagged by the ever wonderful Stevie1192 , here we go!

1: Do you like someone?

Maybe. It's weird.

2: Do they like you?

Probably not. I'm not like able.

3: Middle name?

Elisabeth. One of the most common middle names

4: Single, or taken?

I'm lonely as hell, so...

5: Last of person you texted?

My friend Rowan, she didn't respond. :(

6: Last song you listened to?

Banana pancakes

7: Battery percentage?


8: Best girl friend?

Crap, uh, probably Kylee, Rowan, and Erica. Couldn't pick between them.

9: Beet guy friend?

Do trans people count? Cause if they do, my friends Alex and Owen.

10: Favorite OTP?

Probably Phan, or my sister and her friend. They're really cute together.

11: Why I made my account?

I searched if any YouTubers had ever been kidnapped. It brought me right to Wattpad, and now I'm in too deep.

12: Current Lock screen?

An unflattering pic of my sister eating a muffin in a onesie.

I am the best sister

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I am the best sister.

13: Birthday?

October 23, 2003. I think Junius Brutus got stabbed on my birthday actually.

I tag now;



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