Long Pine Nebraska: Wattpad Documentation; By Matsukitty.

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Day 1: Tuesday

Day: Breaking Brad
Jessie and I grabbed sticks to hit rocks with. The first stick was named Shaniqua, RIP Shaniqua, I broke her with a rock. Then next were Chris, Enrun (Hit and run. Hit Enrun. Get it?) Jack, (Also, RIP Chris, I also killed her), and my favorite, Brad. I almost broke him, which started the joke "Breaking Brad!" Don't be surprised if I reference it too often.

Night: Linty Guaf
Jessie and I were in our bed, playing a word game. We were supposed to find "Unity Flag", but we didn't know that. So we found "Linty Guaf." The best.


Day 2: Wednesday

Day: Clue
We played a game called 'Clue.' Look it up, 'cause I can't be bothered to explain it.

Night: Boring

I feel asleep. Pretty uneventful


Day 3: Thursday

Day: I suck at golf

My sister accidently hit me in the face with a golf ball, but I still won that game of golf. Maybe I don't suck that bad. No, I do.

Night: June Bugs

There are so many June bugs at camp, but they're so clumsy. It's hilarious to watch them trip. But they cling on your clothes, and they're kinda annoying. Oh well.


Day 4: Friday

Day: Schildy

Ever seen a really tiny turtle? I did, and we name him Shcidly, which spawns from the German word for turtle; Schildkröte. He was about the size of a quarter.

 He was about the size of a quarter

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Night: Fishing

Mom and Jess went fishing, catching foot long fish, while I sat in the creek. Just sitting. And swimming by myself like a weirdo.


Day 5: Saturday

Day: It's a fashion statement

The day of the concert. 'Bluegrass Days', the show my dad and Johnny play in. I was kinda bored, so I bit the bottom off a plastic cup, then peeled it to look like a jellyfish. Then I put it on my head, and whenever someone asked me if it was a hat, I said, "It's actually a lampshade. It's a fashion statement." My sister was also trying to draw a fairy, and every time she messed up, my cousin would play this song.

She got frustrated trying to draw the boobs of the fairy, and she had Laura go up and pose. Guess what Laura said. "Draw me like one of your French girls." Thanks, Cuz.


Day 6: The End.

Today is the last day, but we did get to tube to the highway, except 2/3 of us swam there. After driving back to camp, Tante Jani (Aunt Jani) took us for Goodrich ice cream. While there, Laura explained the concept of 'Saw', and told me about some of the traps. Thanx, Cuz.

Night: Fish dinner

We ate all 7 of the fish that mom, Jess, and dad caught. It was delicious, and Laura lent me a book to read. Also, did you know that the most tender part of a fish is the cheek? It's really good.


The End! My camping trip was wonderful, but I left Wattpad for a week, and I'm still not caught up with all the notifications. Thanx, Universe.


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