I'm on fire

23 2 6

I don't even know about the title, that song has just been stuck in my head. As well as the Spanish Alphabet, Blurry face, and danisnotonfire's voice. Maybe that's why the song's in my head.

Twilight marathon with my sis! It will always be awkward. When I asked my sister about it, she just said "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssss! Since she showed me some popular trends, we also agreed on bring the "Mcfallen" girl, as well as Jeff. Wiml? (acronym for What is my life?)

I went on a Youtube marathon! Jacksfilms will always be awesome. As well as Markiplier, AmazingPhil, danisnotonfire, Nigahiga, etc. 

I have had chicks for a while, and in order to get them into a larger pen, I had to help me dad release the pheasants. We took them to three places, and I helped my dad get them inside the cage to release them. The first went really well, but the second round didn't work out so well. I had four in a net, and as my dad told me not to let any out, one female got out, and flew away. Them he said, "Whatever you do, don't let the rooster out, " the male got out. Them when we let them go, I threw one into the wind, ad it caught some major air.  It looked like a tiny fighter jet, and flew so far and long. The next one, I threw in the other direction. It was so surprised, and she fell, and rolled. I laughed so hard, I think I died.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss! Weekend! For me at least. Vote, comment, be a person, die in a fire. Bye!


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