My Thoughts At Night

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So, it's late, and shit, and often when I can't fall asleep, I think really weird things. I was wondering if you'd like to hear some?

Me: No, no one even likes you or your book anyway, you-

Me: Shut up, self!

Anyway, as I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself, I have very weird thoughts at night. Here are a few;

"If you licked a candy cane into a point and stabbed someone in the abdomen, your saliva's bacteria would infect that person and they would die slowly and painfully."

"I'm pretty sure my cats have gay sex when I fall asleep."

"Would I screw a unicorn for money?"

"I wonder if tadpoles are into necrophilia."

"I'm pretty sure my best friend's boyfriend is gay. Who else says 'Yes Daddy' like that?"

"I use to think that pregnant teachers were sweet, and they were having a baby, and it was all cute, but now I know what they're doing in their spare time..."

"Tiana's best friend, Lottie, always calls her father Big Daddy...Think on that a bit..."

"About 0.7 percent of the world is drunk at any given moment."

I need sleep.

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