What do Badass New Glasses Make Me Look Like? Even More of a Nerd.........

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So, I recently got new glasses frames, purple, white, and black, and they are really cool. Apparently, my vision got worse in the two years time when I had my previous glasses. So, I got a new prescription, and new frames, and I saw them, and was like, "Awesome! They look really badass!" Then, I try them on, and they make me look like even more of a nerd, not that I really mind.

I'm tired.

I joined Jazz Band today, but the practices are early morning Fridays. According to my sister, I hate myself if I want to get up at 5:30 on Wednesday for Chorus, Thursday to go to the Meadowlark Café, and Friday for Jazz Band. Guess I can see what she means.

I need to start my homework, but I don't want to.

My friend went to the library for me, and gave me three Stephen King novels. 'The Bazaar Stories of Bad Dreams', 'Misery', and 'It", which I've heard is really scary because it's about a clown, and it's 1066 pages, so that'll be fun.

I need to get a life.


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