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So, here's a gist of what has happened with this cat.

Jessica saw this cat named Nortin, thought it said Martin, called this cat Martin, and asked Dad for him as an early birthday present. Dad didn't want him because apparently we have 'one cat too many', even though we only have one cat. Don't worry, Matsu, I still love you. Dad's just not a cat person.

Anyway, mom agreed to getting this cat, and Jess spent an hour of my computer time trying to find this flipping cat on the PetSmart website. Then, she found out she could just get him at PetSmart, so after school, dad and the rest of us, minus mom, went to PetSmart to get Jessica this cat, and when we go in to meet him, he's the most timid cat I have ever met. He would never survive on our farm, considering he's always been a house cat for the five years of his life. 

Jess refused to get another cat, so dad filled out this form for the cat, then they had to fax it to the Human Society, and they would get back to us, so we had to hang around.

The whole thing took about two f*cking hours, and they still have to go over Dad's application to see if we're 'eligible' to adopt the thing.

The whole time this is going on, I'm ever here thinking, "I'm the cat person, and it took me three months to prove myself responsible enough for a cat, then mom and dad told me to be prepared, so I used forty bucks to try and make the cat comfortable, I bought a collar and everything, we made a first vet visit before hand too, and then it had to be postponed. Jessica sees a cat that she likes, asked dad for it, does no preparation, and dad and mom get it for her the next. Friken. Day. What the hell."


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