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I am so pissed at this guy in my class. He made fun of my sister after I told him about her being in the hospital. Then he told me about his life, and how me talking about my parents and how great they are. His says his parents are not so good, and I felt bad for him for the first time in months. Sure, he's still slowly making his way up on the "I want to punch you in the face you freaking doucelamp" list. (AKA: The "IWTPYITFFYD" list) tell me if you have better names for it!

Me and my friend Kylie played a game of Sharks and Minnows in PE class. She and I stuck together, and when one of us got tagged, the other purposefully got tagged. Then we pretended that we were seaweed, and when we got bored of that, we spread out like starfish. That started the #Patricklife thing! We made a theme song, and everything. The theme was to the tune of "All about that Bass" by Megan Trainer. It goes like this:

"Because I'm all about that Pat,

Patrick life,

No Spongebob."

The handshake that goes with it is where we hit hands, then hit shoulders, and try to shove each other into a wall.She always ends up shoving me first.

I also drew a picture of a hand. I free-handed it. Pun intended there. It was, and still is, the best drawing I've ever made. I am super proud of it! I would upload it to Wattpad, but I don't know how to do that. Well, AShruinger told me how to do it, but the site I need to do it is blocked by my chromebook that I got from the school. The struggle is real. 

So, I was a starfish for like, 30 minutes. #Patricklife !


🐌 (Sorry, couldn't find a starfish emoji.) :)

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