First Softball Game!

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I had my first softball game yesterday, and.....we lost. BUT! It's okay. We had fun, even though Emma twisted her knee, and we, you know, still lost. But, again, we had fun. and I learned that I'm good at motivational speeches, even though some people found them annoying and excessive, *cough cough* Josie *cough cough* but it motivated Shania! I think! Wanna hear some? 'm gonna show you some anyway:

Remember, relax. Being tense doesn't work. Trust me, from personal experience, it doesn't work. That was supposed to rhyme, but whatever.

Just remember; don't murder anyone.

You can do this. The Grumpiest of Gills says so. (I'm known as Mr. Grumpy Gills on that team. Thanks, Charlatte. *Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge animalover1381  and maddieb123789 )

Anyway, I had more, but I don't remember all of them. It was really weird though, because we were facing Firth, and a former teammate is on that team, Cassidy, and our former coach is her dad. He was trying to coach us too, and it was weird. Ally also says that if he doesn't bring us pizza like he promised last year, she's gonna kill him.

I got out of school as well Yesterday, and I'm still in my pajamas. Life's good. (again with the winks and nudges, animalover1381 and maddieb123789 ) I didn't have a yearbook, but I had my pocket dictionary, so I had people find adjectives and words to sign their name over. Lily signed over "Lily", Sadie signed over "Sea Urchin", Maddison signed all over page "69", Ella signed over "Sex" and "Slut" (I still don't know why), Conliegh signed over "Awkward", Ryan signed over "Bear",  Someone for some reason signed "Ass" over "Gospel", Trace signed over "Shake" because he lip-synced "Shake it off", Saeje signed over "Sage" and "Smooth", Ava signed over "Indemnify", Keira signed over "Fun", Lindsey singed over "Dignity", Arlet singed over "Fancy", Evan signed the first half of his name over "Nailed" and the other over "It", Eriek signed over "Muumuu", Etienne signed over "Old",  Aiko signed over "Psycho", then Cora, Nick, Libby, Caleb, and Michelle signed across the pages, Pheonix signed the front, Mia signed over "larynx", Savannah, Kylee, and Hailey signed the front page, (Kylee singed "Merry Christmas"), Sicily signed the second page, Emma signed "That's Canada", etc. Perfect. Did anyone else realize that that was all one sentence?

It is weird that I've had "Bleeding Out" stuck in my head all day?

My chicken hatched her chicks! They're so cute, but because they're so small, they can fit through small spaces that she can't, so she crazy a few times when she couldn't get to them. #TheStuggleIsReal.

I'm considering starting a joint Youtube channel called "Cringe-'Merican" I'm looking at you, animalover1381 and Teamfreewilllove. The offer is also open to you, maddieb123789, cause you're awesome, and you'd bring a lot to the whole thing. Plus, I think you have responsibility, and I don't posses that to save my life.

I probably look like a lunatic, dancing to my songs, badly might I add, and singing at random intervals. Oh, well. I'm listening to "Car Radio", and I'm remembering my friend who could rap the whole thing. I couldn't do that, mainly because I suck at rap.

My mom is going to go pick out her puppy today, except she can't take it home yet, because it's too young. Soon, I'll go from having 3 dogs, to having 6. that's right, my dog is having puppies. Taylor, she's so cute, but tiny, so I'm kinda worried for her. She'll be fine, I think. She's expecting two puppies, because her dog breed can have four puppies if they're lucky. So, I'm happy with the universe for once.

Does anyone here listen to Panic! at the Disco other than me? Cause I thought of "This is Gospel" when I saw that someone signed "Ass" over "Gospel".

The next chapter might be a "Tag" thing, because I've been tagged by thattinyfangirlmany times, so...

I feel like I've wasted your time.


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