I Need Advice

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Okay, serious talk. I need advice. I know that animalover1381 and maddieb123789 will especially understand. Okay. I'm seriously stressing out right now, like I can't believe that I'm doing this. Little note to the people that I know in real life, never tell anyone that I told you. Okay. Here we go. I've been keeping this a secret from Wattpad, but its been long enough, and I need advice. and I know that Teamfreewilllove already know, but I need to let this out. My sister tried to commit suicide. I was woken up late on a Tuesday morning by my oldest sister, Karina, and she told me really fast that Jessica was in the hospital, and she had been instructed to take me to school. While in the car, I asked her why Jess was in the hospital, and she said that she overdosed. 150 ibuprofen, and 13 Tylenol, to be exact. My sister had tried to commit suicide, and she was in the hospital. It hasn't been the same since.

My sister and I fight. A lot. She isn't the same sister that would cuddle me, and let me talk, and talk, and talk, and talk. This isn't the sister that would go swimming with me, and make me feel better. No. This is the sister that shuns me because I didn't make her pizza. This is the sister that yells at me to get out of her room, calls me dirty, and wants nothing to do with me. This is the sister that wants me to do everything for her, but does nothing for in return. And I don't like this sister. And I need advice.

My sister says that I'm the problem, that I'm the reason that she's like this. My sister hates me singing, even if its the only way I cope with tragedy, the way I find peace, the way I find myself.

Please help me. What do you say to a person who would rather ignore you, then tell you how they feel? How do you react when your sister goes out of her way to make you miserable? How do you do anything? is there something I can do to help her, or should I leave her alone? 

And please, animalover1381, and maddieb123789, when you see her at our softball game, don't tell her I told you. She would kill me, and make me feel worse. Tell me what to do please. I'm so lost, and confused. I feel like a child again, not sure what to do with my life. 

And I don't like this feeling.


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