Neil Breen

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So, I went to the dentist.............Then ate Burger King. So healthy. Help me.

Enzo's bothering me! He's such a bitey puppy, and even though animalover1381 was at my house, she probably didn't get the full puppy teeth experience. I have scars. I also have cat scars. Thanks, Rori.

So, I watched some of a Neil Breen movie. It's one of those 'So Bad Its Good' movies. They are so funny. The lines are corny, the acting is terrible, and I'm pretty sure none of the women wear bras. The are 'I Am Here......Now', 'Fateful Findings', and 'Double Down.' Watch them, it's so worth it.

I cut my finger carving watermelon, and maddieb123789 made fun of me. :(


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