Chapter 8

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Taylors POV

I  came out of the bathroom , "Selena I don't think I look good." She said and started fidgeting. "Common ! You are a wolf now , you need to look hot." Selena said and I giggled, "That doesn't mean that I have to look good !" I said and she shook her head and smiled, "You need to look your best Taylor, remember you will be hanging out with the coolest squad of our college now ?" Selena said and I nodded. "Isn't this too short ?" I asked, she groaned and shook her head, "Stop it ! You look amazing and shorts are meant to be short silly !" Selena said and I just nodded , I stood infront of the mirror and stared at my reflection. I felt different, I felt as if I am not the old Taylor I used to be a day ago. I felt new, brand new. I felt a little more confident, I felt I could do whatever I wanted to do. "Common wear this fedora and these shades." Selena said handing them to me, I nodded and wore them and for the first time in my life, I felt pretty. Maybe being a wolf isn't that bad.

Harrys POV

I sat on the dinning table and ate my breakfast in silence. "Ahem, Harry would you please pass me the butter ?" Anne asked, I nodded and passed her the butter. "So how's school going ?" Robin asked and Louis coughed, "Great." I said and Louis coughed again, bastard. "Harry we know." Robin and Anne said in unison. "What do you know ?" I asked, Both of them glared and Louis who was smiling innocently at me, I groaned, "He told you didn't he ?" I said and pointed at Louis, "It doesn't matter who told us but do you know that if Andrea finds out, she'll kick Niall and Taylor out of her house ?" Anne said, My eyes widened in shock. "What ?" Louis said, "She is a total money seeker, all she wants is money and fame, she wants her kids to be just like her." Robin said, "So that means Andrea isn't a wolf ?" I asked, "No." Anne said, "So what about Niall ?" Louis asked, "Andrea adopted him." Robin said and I frowned, "You mean she adopted him when he was a teen ?I asked and they nodded, "She adopted him when Niall was 15, she did not know that he was a wolf and of course his real age wasn't 15." Anne said and I nodded, "What about Taylor ?" I asked, "She was just 4 when Andrea adopted Niall, she never wanted a girl, she always wanted a boy." Robin said, Andrea was really a cruel woman. "That's too much to handle." Louis said.


A//N: This chapter is just a filler and this chapter is just to let you know that Tay is changed and to let you know about Andrea. Short chapter sorry but I had to let you know about these things :)


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