8: Lucas

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"So what exactly do you intend to do, Tiffany?" Devon snorted.

"Just watch." Tiffany retorted haughtily.

Then she looked at me and approached me quickly. With each step she took, I began to wonder what she would do to Devon. But as it turns out, she wasn't going to do anything to Devon. Yet.

"Tiffany, what are you-" I asked, but she stuck her index finger near my face and whispered, "Shh. I'll explain everything later."

Then, before I could ask her anything else, she turned to Devon and glared at him fiercely before kissing me- in front of everyone.

Michaela's jaw sank to the floor, her eyebrows raised and her face bright red. She was making the room snow, and Devon, who didn't seem satisfied yet, asked Tiffany, "So...if I understand you correctly, you love Lucas, and not me, right?"

Tiffany rolled her eyes and scoffed, "I made that obvious already, Devon. Now will you just leave me alone?!"

Tiffany stormed out of the room, with Devon chasing after her. I followed Tiffany and Devon, too, because I needed to know what was happening right now. Why did Tiffany just kiss me? Where was Tiffany running to? And why did Devon want her to admit that she liked him?

I hid behind a wall and noticed how Tiffany was blowing into a magenta balloon with a jasmine flower drawn on it. Then she moved on and picked up an emerald green balloon with a poison ivy symbol, a maroon balloon with a tabby cat's face drawn on it, a Pepto-Bismol pink balloon with a one-eyed star, and a light blue balloon with a cloud drawn on it.

Then, Tiffany looked down and noticed that she was holding a mint green balloon with a crystal heart drawn on it. She cringed, summoned a toothpick, and took another look at it before quickly popping it.

"I need to stop," Tiffany whispered to herself, "all I ever think about anymore is Mel, and...I'm obsessed now."

Devon slowly entered Tiffany's room and said to her softly, "You're trying, though. I know it's hard to forget about your sister without a memory gun, but I know that you'll wake up one day and you won't hurt as much. I know."

Tiffany scowled. "How would you know?" she asked Devon furiously.

"I've had a lot of heartbreaks, okay?" Devon responded. "It hasn't been easy, but I've learned to move on. And I'm glad you're learning, too."

"Why do you care about me so much, Devon?" Tiffany asked.

"You're my best friend. Why wouldn't I care about you?" Devon replied. He slowly walked to where Tiffany was standing and put one hand on her hip.

"You always call me a freak," Tiffany muttered.

"I only mean that you can be somewhat crazy at times. And I like crazy people. They make my life interesting." Devon said.

"I make your life interesting?" Tiffany repeated.

"Yes. You're one of the most peculiar women I've ever met, Tiffany Hassibor. And I mean that as a good thing. You're very loving, and selfless...and honestly, you're a little intuitive sometimes, but you're also sophisticated. And I love you more than any other girl on this planet."

Tiffany bit her lip and tried to fight back a teardrop. "You know...you know that I've...well, it's hard to explain, but you can already see where I'm going with this...I never, well, I mean, I like Lucas as a friend, but...you know...you...ugh, this is going to take forever to explain..." Tiffany stuttered.

"You like me, don't you? And you kissed Lucas because you were afraid to admit that. Am I right?" Devon asked.

"Yes!" Tiffany blurted out. "You're my best friend, Devon. You've always been my best friend. And I've always wanted to be more than friends with you, but...I didn't know how. And even though I'm older, and I've...somewhat grown up, I still don't know how."

"Tiffany, if this is about Mel, I can assure you that your sister will be safe in the hands of her remaining relatives. And I can assure you that if you are in my hands, I will never let anything happen to you." Devon told her.

He tucked a small strand of Tiffany's hair behind her ear, which made Tiffany's eyes dry almost immediately and even caused her to smile a little.

"Devon, you are an annoying, witty, arrogant jerk, but you are my best friend, and I love you more than any other man in this world." Tiffany whispered.

"I know," Devon said as Tiffany leaned into him a little bit more.

"I don't want to be best friends with you anymore, Devon Brody. I want to be your girlfriend. My world is falling apart, and you're the only one who can build it back up. I need you." Tiffany confessed.

Devon leaned in closer and closer to Tiffany, put both of his hands on Tiffany's hips, and whispered to her gently, "I know."

Tiffany put her hands on the sides of Devon's head and kissed him. She kissed Devon like there was no tomorrow, and Devon immediately returned the favor once she was done.

Every time I watched their lips meet, I knew that Tiffany and I could never actually be in a couple now. But that was fine, because Devon really was perfect for her. Besides, I never had feelings for Tiffany anyways. She was a wonderful girl, but I could already picture her future with Devon, and it wasn't just because I was a Trucekeeper.

Tiffany and Devon were meant to be. And after today, I never denied that statement ever again. But I never denied that statement, anyways. They were meant to be.

They were meant to be.


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