10: Lucas

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"You should know what you are by now, Lucas."

I woke up and gasped for air, unsure how early in the morning I was up. I looked at my phone and checked the time. 3 AM.

"Okay, okay, that was just a dream. That was just a dream. That was...a really bad dream, and why am I still up?!" I told myself.

I turned my head to the right and saw Tristan standing near my closet, facing away from me, talking to somebody on his cell phone.

"A Trinityscaper? Now you're just being paranoid, Captain Harper. The girl is very powerful, but she is only a Coldscaper...oh. You think that being Discorded is her second power? ...Well, I'm not sure if I agree with you or not, but I can see where you're going with this, Captain Harper." Tristan said.

Tristan and this guy, who was supposively a guy named Captain Harper, were obviously talking about Michaela. I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep, but when I heard my name being mentioned, I opened my eyes and paid closer attention to their conversation.

"You think that she's a lightscaper?...Well, I disagree with you, but if you have anymore crazy theories, I would love to hear them...well, that's not a theory, that's a fact, and I believe you'd proven that to be a fact nearly two decades ago.

"...I'm sure Annabelle knew what she was capable of, and I'm sure Lucas does, too...but let's face it, Captain Harper- without his memories, and without the help of Michaela, he's nothing but demon fodder."

Anger began to stir through me, replacing every vein in my body with the outrageous, blood-boiling emotion that got under my skin more than anything else. I stood up and violently snatched the phone from Tristan's hands as soon as I sprang out of bed.

"You know, if you're going to talk about me like that, at least do it when I'm not listening!" I scolded Tristan furiously. I handed the phone back to Tristan, whose light grey eyes were almost too big for his black, square glasses to cover.

I sighed and stormed out of my own bedroom, breathing heavily and forming my hands into fists as I walked furiously down the hallway. I was quiet even as I stormed away from my room, because I knew that the girls were now fast asleep, and I didn't want to wake them up.

However, I couldn't help but imagine what the other members of the Dreamscaper Society thought of me. If Tristan had the nerve to call me demon fodder when he thought I wasn't listening, what did the other members say about me?

Did Nathan, a boy who I'd always thought of as my son, ever think of me as his father? Or did he think that I was just as good as dead without the help of some tiny, emotionally unstable teenage girl that he calls his girlfriend? And did Tiffany, who had kissed me earlier today, do it just to spite Devon? Or did she actually have feelings for me?

I began to run instead of walk, and soon enough, I had reached the tower near the Dreamscaper Society. I noticed how there was a large pond covered by fog behind the tower, and as I grew closer to it, I began to hear more voices piercing my ears and making me dizzy.

"Without his memories, and without the help of Michaela, he's nothing but demon fodder."

"I know you think that this is all just a coincidence, that this is all just a big misunderstanding. But please, Daddy, I beg you to open your eyes."

"The boy is stronger than you could imagine, Magnus...and so was his partner. But the girl...his daughter, to be precise...well, she's invincible."

"It's me, Daddy. It's me."

Suddenly, a ghostly image of a girl with long, caramel blonde hair and a crimson jacket stepped out of the pond and glared at me through her sunglasses. Her jeans were dark, and so were her brown boots, but something about her reminded me of Michaela. Maybe it's because she was really short for an adult, or maybe it was because her hair color. I couldn't tell.

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