9: Michaela

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The rest of the day was seemingly normal for me. I was still upset with Tiffany for kissing my father, though. I didn't see why she had to do that- after all, it's obvious that she's been hiding her feelings for awhile now. I guess being Tiffany Hassibor is much more emotionally complicated than being Michaela Powers.

At 7PM, I headed to the café for dinner, but I ran into Lucas along the way, who told me that dinner wouldn't be served in the café tonight.

"All of the girls in the Society are in Stephanie's bedroom right now," Lucas told me. "They ordered a pizza, and they're having a girls-only sleepover as we speak."

"Oh gosh, that's probably going to be interesting to witness. I guess I should get going then, huh?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, go ahead!" Lucas replied.

"Okay! Bye, Lucas!" I called out as I ran off to Stephanie's bedroom.

When I entered Stephanie's bedroom, the first person I noticed was Stella, who was changing the color of her fingernails in less than two seconds. They were now shiny and silver, and when I looked at her in awe, she glanced at me and said, "Ah, Michaela! You're just in time for 'Truth or Dare or Don't'!"

I sat down next to Stella and Stephanie and said, "'Truth or Dare or Don't'? I've heard of Truth or Dare, but I've never played it with the 'Don't' before."

"Oh, it's easy. Just choose 'Don't', and you won't have to do anything." Phoebe explained.

"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" Tiffany sneered.

"Okay, normal 'Truth or Dare' it is!" Stella declared.

"Alright, I'll go first!" Tiffany volunteered cheerfully. "Stephanie, truth or dare?"

"Um...truth." Stephanie responded.

"Do you know what your dad's greatest fear is?" Tiffany asked.

Stephanie covered her mouth with her hands and started to giggle. "Yeah...it's any random pair of...I can't say it, I'll start cracking up even harder."

"I got this!" I said, closing my eyes and reading her mind. When I opened my eyes back up, they were wider that the pepperonis on Tiffany's pizza. "Oh gosh..." I snorted.

"What? What is it?" Stella asked.

"Yoga pants..." I whispered through a fit of laughter.

"You can't be serious!" Phoebe chortled.

"Yes I can, Phoebe. I was just serious like, a second ago!" I replied.

The whole room started shaking with laughter, but after we'd calmed down a bit, Stephanie asked, "Okay Michaela, truth or dare?"

"Ooh...I'm going to have to go with truth. Sorry if you were expecting me to choose dare." I said.

"Aww, man! I already got out the mayonnaise bottle and the Pitt Cola cans!" Stephanie whined. "But that's okay- Michaela, how did you get your ombrè?"

I paused and stared at the carpet for awhile, but after a few seconds of stalling my friends, I sighed and said, "Well, I was nine years old, and my dad was working late, so I decided to explore the attic until he got home. I found my parents wedding album, and as I know now, the reception went downhill, but there were only happy photos of my parents.

"The more I thought of my mother, the more my hair began to turn caramel blonde. And when my dad got home, he noticed the change in my hair and...yeah. He was really surprised, and I think he almost called me Annabelle once or twice."

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